Hooply Gooplin

So, whatever night the Harry Potter came out, I got to go to the midnight showing with Nana chan! It was AWESOME!!! It was rather funny, because there was a shadow across the bottom left of the screen. It looked like one of those wiry things, and it was there the WHOLE MOVIE! It was rather annoying, but funny. The good thing is that Harry Potter is a dark movie, so you could hardly ever see it! I got to see it again a day or two later with my family. It was good the second time, too!

The movie got me in the Harry Potter mood, so once I got home from the sleepover thing and Nana's, I immediately restarted reading the series. I have no idea how many times I've read it now, although probably not as many times as the super obsessed people. Only two or three times XD.

I learned that I have terrible memory!!! I didn't remember a lot of what went on in the books! I remembered the main themes pretty well, but all the finer details that make the story great, I forgot. You know how the director people are making The Deathly Hallows into a two-part movie? They should have done that with the Half Blood Prince, too. They left out soooo much stuff it's unbelievable!!! And still the movie's about three hours long!!! Holy cow!!!!

I finished reading the series last night, and I am now suffering from Post Harry Potter Depression, lol. I really tried to take my time with the books, but it was still too fast for me. I made the books last over a week, though!!!! Maybe...*checks teh date* Well, a week. Exactly. If I have the dates right. but, yeah. I always feel bad when I finish a great book, a great series, a great show, a great anything!!! Just...sad...

I'm also feeling sad because Denny's moving away!!!! You guys have to help me come up with a plan to save her! Quickly! She's moving tomorrow!!! *cries*
At least I'll get to see her at our super-duper-awesome-manica-Christian-camp-thing!!! That will be so much fun!!! A whole bunch of my friends are going to that, too!

Marching band starts up soon for me and Kasa Chan. *sigh* I kind of suck. Haha!

Well..I must say, I have more to say when I talk about numorous days, rather than one. Goes to show how much goes on in my life, haha! But that's okay, I like it that way!!!!
