Season 5 Update

In the latest issue of Doctor Who Magazine, new head writer and executive producer Steven Moffat has revealed details of the next season. Here is the breakdown of the episodes as currently known:

Episode 1 - "The Eleventh Hour" by Steven Moffat
The first episode of the season, following directly from the conclusion to The End of Time. Introduces Karen Gillan as new companion Amy Pond and Arthur Darvill as Rory, a character connected to Amy.

Episode 2 - "The Beast Below" by Steven Moffat
Guest starring Sophie Okonedo, who previously voiced the character Alison Cheney in the animated web adventure The Scream of the Shalka opposite Richard E. Grant as an alternative Ninth Doctor.

Episode 3 - "Victory of the Daleks" by Mark Gatiss
A Dalek story set in WWII. Guest starring Ian McNeice who appears in the Dune and Children of Dune miseries as Baron Harkonnen. Mark Gatiss previously wrote The Unquiet Dead (Season 1) and The Idiot's Lantern (Season 2), as well as guest-starring as Professor Richard Lazarus in The Lazarus Experiment (Season 3)

Episodes 4 & 5 by Steven Moffat
First 2-parter of the season, featuring the return of the Weeping Angels from Blink (Season 3) and Alex Kingston as River Song, first introduced in Moffat's episodes Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead (Season 4).

Episode 6 by Toby Whitehouse
Referred to as the "Vampires in Venice" episode, this episode will see Rory join the Doctor and Amy on at least one trip in the TARDIS. Toby Whitehouse previously wrote School Reunion (Season 2).

Episode 7 by Simon Nye
No details have been released yet concerning this episode. This will be Simon Nye's first time writing for the series.

Episodes 8 & 9 by Chris Chibnal
Rumors have indicated these episodes will feature a return of the Silurians and Sea Devils from the classic series, but this has remained unconfirmed and Moffat has stated that this season would forgo the previous trends of re-inventing classic monsters. Chris Chibnal also wrote 42 (Season 3) as well as episodes of Torchwood.

Episode 10 by Richard Curtis
The 'guest historical' of the season featuring actor Tony Curran as Vincent Van Gogh. Richard Curtis is a well-known screenwriter, with the films Four Weddings and a Funeral, Bridget Jones's Diary, and Love Actually. This is his first time writing for the series.

Episode 11 by Gareth Roberts
An episode supposedly focusing on Amy. Gareth Roberts has previously written The Shakespeare Code (Season 3) and The Unicorn and the Wasp (Season 4), as well as co-writing the Spring Special Planet of the Dead with former lead writer & exec. producer Russell T. Davies, as well as writing for The Sarah Jane Adventures, including The Wedding of Sarah Jane Smith which guest starred David Tennant.

Episodes 12 & 13 by Steven Moffat
Season finale. No details have been released although the crew is currently filming them. Reports indicate these episodes will also feature River Song, and some filming has just taken place at Stonehenge.

So this is all that's currently known. I will update this post as more details become available.
