

So, Adam is completely blanking MyO, is he?

(Oh yeah, the post box DOES expand XD)

Back to what I was saying. If he's just gonna completely blank it, and not bother updating it or whatever, what's the point of it even being there?

I see him getting some angry comments or something.

Probably from me.

He seems all pleased that TheO is looking is fabulous, and OtakuBoards all shiny, too. But what about MyO? What did the people over there do to be ignored like this?

I shall ponder it, whilst eating this Easter Egg. Yes, an Easter Egg. A Milkybar one. I bought it myself for 88pence. Not bad.

Anyway, I apparently have 7 subscribers. I know 3 of you (as I have subscribed back - I hate the word subscribed. It's too long!), but the other 4...? PM's or comments please to tell me, and then I can like, Friend you back (haha, take that Adam, I am not going to use your 'S' word XD).


