its been a while...

i'm a bad girl.. i neglect this world so much... i think i'm going to try to post in here at least once a week.

well lately i haven't been getting much sleep.... i get like five or six hours of sleep a night.... sometimes less... and on the weekends i might get seven... but only rarely. i thik i've gotten seven+ hours of sleep maybe three or four times in the past month or two.... school is wearing me out...

we have midterms next week. i think i'm going to fail math.... i'm getting together with a friend to study on monday though. and alot of my exams aren't a written exam they're a paper or a project. three of them in fact. which is kinda nice. i'm gonna do a painting/ collage[ i think] for my gobal literature class.

for a class, basic clothing construction, i made a jacket. which i LOVE. its a kinda trench coat-y black jacked lined with some leaf patterend fabric. it was waaaay more work that any one else in my class had to do. everyone else made dresses or skirts...
needless to say i still have a bit more to do. but i can work on it during my exam block for that class because we don't have a written test. its just a fasion show thing [twitchtwitch] basically we show our work and we have to say our challenge and our strenght. in the word of my old and crotchety teacher "there are no weaknesses only challenges" oh dear.... shes retireing this year thank GOD.. she needs it... shes a character all right.

i've also been feeling kinda crappy lately. better than i have been.. but still crappy...
a few weekends ago... new years eve and then the ninth/tenth i got to stay over at neronyx's house. i really loved that. its really nice being around you lauren. [we neeeeeeed a free block together next semester] so back to my point... if there was one.... i've been feeling kinda lonely lately.when i'm at home... because even though my family is *wonderful* and i *love* them... they are startign to get on my nerves... especially since i'm not around lauren who gets me the most of anyone, if not completely.... and my family hardly understands me...

i called anny on.. tuesday. [had to think for a minute there] it was really cool to hear your voice anny. it kinda reminds me of this person i kinda know. your voice anyways... its nice to be able to put a voice to a face to the chat.

i lost my phone on tuesday too... but thanks to anny [my hero!] who the silly late bus driver called on my phone i now know that it has been foun and i just have to go get it....

well... thats all for now. sorry to those who really could care les about my silly life. i hope that people enjoy hearing about me..

Rara[and not the spanish kind]
