i suck at using computers...

i can't use a computer... it's taking me forever to figure out Version Vibrant. i was just getting used to the old TheO when it up and changed on me!! i'm sorry if it takes me forever to do things but i'll eventualy get around to them... some eaon... like posting! i neeed to come over to your house and take your scanner hostage Liana because i'm literally dieing to post my artwork and have people laugh at how sucky i am at drawing... anyway my goal is to do some thing on theO atleast twice a week... or whenever i have a freeblock at school... anyway if you're reading this you deserve an award or something because i am not easy to put up with what with my rambling nature. by the way tintinnabulation(i think thats how you spell it) is just the coolest word... its my favorite word at the moment. please comment on my work once i get it posted!!

