wow its been a long time

i haven't posted in eaons or eons depending on how many letters you prefer... but now that it's summer i hope to post more. alot more. and i'm gonna sneak into frozen ninjas houce late at night when she's watching hirurashi and i will commandeer her scanner, scan all my work and put up one piece a day... or when i get a chance. but.. i've been watching trinity blood lately and it's amazing. currently listening/ watching to ...spoliers for trc tokyo revelations tho great song. if i had an mp3 player i would listen to this constantly. along with pain by three days grace. i obviously haven't been feeling so great these last few... ewll since around the start of april... gah. changing over to oh this is amusing.... watch it. any way if i get bored enough i might try to post pics fram a cosplay i did back in november. currently planning to make fai's celes outfit. with an eye patch XD. and i wanna do nekozawa from ouran. and kadaj or maybe sephi? and... make a pair of pants or two... have been kinda thinking about amking a trinity blood cosplay. don't know who. i wish i had a video camera so's i could make random vids of my boring life at home. i naw have to go hang up the laundry,mow the lawn, and other stuff... all before noon cuz i have to babysit this afternoon so i *have money*!!! and can do all the crazy cosplays i want to do... i think i have a death wish because fai's costume has *three* *layers*... if i don't die of frustration from making the thing i'll probably die of heatstroke at the con. anywho i really do need to get to work.. not that you probably care about wht i will and will not be doing...

