Yo YO YO YO! I'm baaack. This is my latest world and if you read the title, Everything You Could Want!, this world is anything you ask for. But it already has music lyrics and/or music lyrics, advertisements(that maybe funny), and poetry. And if you want to post stuff that you think is cool tell me and I'll add you to my guest posters. So this concludes my intro. Be breezy.

The iPod

This is my first ad so if it sucks tell me: It's thin it's smooth and it's so totally awesome. It's the iPod! Yeah that's right the iPod. It's so hip, it's so in, ...

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Mourning Storm by Mary C. Hyzer

The luminous sky is covering up, as clouds roll quietly in smokey gray intimidation, satiated droplets like sin. The sky once lit by optimistic light, watch the clouds move in with a menacing might. ...

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