Star Signs:
- ARIES - Assertiveness, Urgency, Energy, Candidness, Selfishness, Enthusiasm
- TAURUS - Patience, Possessiveness, Reliability, Self-Indulgence, Persistence, Warmth
- GEMINI - Communication, Versatility, Restlessness, Wit, Intelligence, Cleverness
- CANCER - Sensitivity, Emotion, Protectiveness, Moodiness, Imagination, Affection
- LEO - Generosity, Expansiveness, Affection, Dominance, Creativity, Impression
- VIRGO - Analysis, Criticism, Modesty, Meticulousness, Intelligence, Selectivity
- LIBRA - Charm, Easygoing Tendency, Diplomacy, Sociability, Gullibility, Resentfulness
- SCORPIO - Passion, Intensity, Intuition, Attractiveness, Jealousy, Compulsiveness
- SAGITTARIUS - Philosophical Tendency, Optimism, Intelligence, Exploration, Tactlessness
- CAPRICORN - Prudence, Manipulation, Practicality, Ambition, Discipline
- AQUARIUS - Independence, Humaneness, Innovation, Honesty, Invention, Aloofness
- PISCES - Sensitivity, Imagination, Pensiveness, Kindness, Intuition, Indecisiveness
Animal Signs:
- RAT - Charm, Aggressiveness, Restlessness
- OX - Loyalty, Consistency, Diligence
- TIGER - Courage, Power
- RABBIT - Delicacy, Kindness, Popularity
- DRAGON - Strength, Power, Energy
- SNAKE - Wisdom, Diplomacy
- HORSE - Ardor, Productivity
- SHEEP - Artistry, Gentleness
- MONKEY - Fantasy, Merriness
- ROOSTER - Frankness, Enthusiasm
- DOG - Compassion, Loyalty, Duty
- PIG - Sincerity, Generosity, Chivalry

The Chinese Zodiac and the Western Zodiac share many similarities yet their differences are quite substantial. Like each Chinese Zodiac sign has a Western counterpart, for example the Chinese Zodiac sign Tiger has similar characteristics to the Western Zodiac sign Aquarius while the Chinese Zodiac sign Pig is actually quite different than it's Western counterpart Scorpio.
The reason behind the differences in Zodiac signs is based on how the astrologers make their calculations. Chinese astrologers base their calculations on the moon and its cycles, that is, on the lunar year. Western astrologers base theirs on the solar year. Thus, Western signs are called sun signs. In Western astrology the month sign while in Chinese astrology it is the year sign. Chinese astrology also has month signs. Chinese months are not named (just numbered) and use the same names as year signs. So, there is such a thing as a Wood Sheep year and a Wood Sheep month.
Western signs are usually designated by one word, for example, Aquarius, and change from month to month. Chinese signs are designated by two Chinese characters and change from year to year. One character designates the year’s element and the other its animal sign, for example, Earth Tiger.
The Chinese have used both decimal based calendars as in the West as well as a twelve year based calendar. The two are both used simultaneously by Chinese astrologers, thus resulting in the compound signs.
Actually, Chinese astrology has four signs, one for the year, the month, the day and the hour of birth. In texts these are often referred to as the four pillars. This may sound different, but even here there is a similarity with Western astrology. That system, for example, uses hour signs as well, calling them ascendants.

Pisces is symbolized by the Fish
Birthdates: February 19 - March 20
Element of the Pisces zodiac sign: Water
Astrological quality of the Pisces zodiac sign: Mutable (i.e. flexibility)
Planets and the Pisces zodiac sign:
* Ruling Planet: Neptune
* Career Planet: Pluto
* Love Planet: Mercury
* Money Planet: Mars
* Planet of Health and Work: Sun
* Planet of Home and Family Life: Mercury
Colours of the Pisces zodiac sign: blue-green
Gems of the Pisces zodiac sign: white diamond
Metals of the Pisces zodiac sign: tin
Best day of the week for Pisces zodiac sign: Thursday
Strongest virtues of the Pisces zodiac sign: sensitivity, psychic power, altruism
Deepest need of the Pisces zodiac sign: spiritual illumination
Weaknesses of the Pisces zodiac sign: negative moods, keeping bad company
Horoscope compatibilities of the Pisces zodiac sign with other zodiac signs:
* Zodiac Signs of greatest overall compatibility: Cancer, Scorpio
* Zodiac Signs of greatest overall incompatibility: Gemini, Sagittarius
* Zodiac Sign most helpful to career: Sagittarius
* Zodiac Sign most helpful for emotional support: Gemini
* Zodiac Sign most helpful financially: Aries
* Zodiac Sign best for marriage and/or partnerships: Virgo
* Zodiac Sign most helpful for creative projects: Cancer
* Zodiac Signs most helpful in spiritual matters: Scorpio, Aquarius

Aquarius is symbolized by the Water Carrier
Birthdates: January 20 - February 18
Element of the Aquarius zodiac sign: Air
Astrological quality of the Aquarius zodiac sign: Fixed (i.e. stability)
Planets and the Aquarius zodiac sign:
* Ruling Planet: Uranus
* Career Planet: Pluto
* Love Planet: Venus
* Money Planet: Neptune
* Planet of Health and Work: Moon
* Planet of Home and Family Life: Venus
Colours of the Aquarius zodiac sign: blue, ultramarine blue, grey
Gems of the Aquarius zodiac sign: opal, sapphire, black pearl, obsidian
Metals of the Aquarius zodiac sign: lead
Best day of the week for Aquarius zodiac sign: Saturday
Strongest virtues of the Aquarius zodiac sign: intellectual power, communication skills, ability to understand abstract concepts
Deepest need of the Aquarius zodiac sign: to know and to bring in the new
Weaknesses of the Aquarius zodiac sign: fixed ideas, rebelliousness, coldness
Horoscope compatibilities of the Aquarius zodiac sign with other zodiac signs:
* Zodiac Signs of greatest overall compatibility: Gemini, Libra
* Zodiac Signs of greatest overall incompatibility: Taurus, Scorpio
* Zodiac Sign most helpful to career: Scorpio
* Zodiac Sign most helpful for emotional support: Taurus
* Zodiac Sign most helpful financially: Pisces
* Zodiac Sign best for marriage and/or partnerships: Leo
* Zodiac Sign most helpful for creative projects: Gemini
* Zodiac Signs most helpful in spiritual matters: Libra, Capricorn

Capricorn is symbolized by the Goat
Birthdates: December 21 - January 19
Element of the Capricorn zodiac sign: Earth
Astrological quality of the Capricorn zodiac sign: Cardinal (i.e. activity)
Planets and the Capricorn zodiac sign:
* Ruling Planet: Saturn
* Career Planet: Venus
* Love Planet: Moon
* Money Planet: Uranus
* Planet of Communications: Neptune
* Planet of Health and Work: Mercury
* Planet of Home and Family Life: Mars
* Planet of Spirituality: Jupiter
Colours of the Capricorn zodiac sign: black, indigo
Gems of the Capricorn zodiac sign: black onyx
Metals of the Capricorn zodiac sign: lead
Best day of the week for Capricorn zodiac sign: Saturday
Strongest virtues of the Capricorn zodiac sign: sense of duty, organization, perseverance, patience
Deepest need of the Capricorn zodiac sign: to take charge and manage
Weaknesses of the Capricorn zodiac sign: negative thoughts, depression, undue materialism
Horoscope compatibilities of the Capricorn zodiac sign with other zodiac signs:
* Zodiac Signs of greatest overall compatibility: Taurus, Virgo
* Zodiac Signs of greatest overall incompatibility: Aries, Libra
* Zodiac Sign most helpful to career: Libra
* Zodiac Sign most helpful for emotional support: Aries
* Zodiac Sign most helpful financially: Aquarius
* Zodiac Sign best for marriage and/or partnerships: Cancer
* Zodiac Sign most helpful for creative projects: Taurus
* Zodiac Signs most helpful in spiritual matters: Virgo, Sagittarius
Oh my.. It's really me. Hmmm.. but the compatibility signs are only 60% true. I usually don't get along with leo or sagittarius and my close friends are mostly Taurus and Pisces.