It Occurs To Me.....

...that things are way too darn serious around here.


So I was kind-of-not-really wondering why this was – okay, so it took me all (if that) of the three seconds needed to spam reply to Katana's comment in the real podcast box – and I realized that we're topic-happy.

I mean, wasn't this world created specifically for spamming? *poke* Sure, a good discussion about stuff is ... well, good, every now and then, but too much cayenne in the pie just leaves a bad taste in your mouth, neh? (That, and who eats a cayenne pie?)

(random tangent)

So come on, people. Quit trying to be intelligent, and find some things to throw at each other. This is a watercooler. Not a debate forum or a commiserative meeting of Otakus Anonymous. (No offense to Miss Anonymous.)

Don't make me start picking on Sangome again. 'Cause I will.


