Time to Join In...

Well it is the First day of May and I have to say as I always say at the start of each month…

“Happy First Day Of May!!”

As a lot of you know now is the time I am officially looking for my writers for TheO Story for the year 2008. For the ones of you that do not, now you do… heehee.

I have 4 open spots left for writers and 3 backup spots for of course Backup writers.

Once those spots are filled or May 16th rolls around, there will be no more writers take on for the story this year.

The writing of the story kicks off the first of June, Sunday that is when I will be sending out the story file to the first writer.

If you would like to know, what Anime story line is being used for the story this year it is Death Note…

A few of my old writers have already read the starting story line and loved it. I have to say without boasting too much. I have done a good (I would say GREAT, but that is boasting too much) job with starting the story this year. I have left the story wide open to add to it and left it where the writers can add, change and determine the path of a new character I have added can take. Even her Shinigami has a path you all can determine in this story.

I do want everyone to know (That Joins) if you have NOT seen Death Note do not panic. I have something up my sleeve for you all. Something that by the time TheO Story gets into full swing you WILL know what is going on in the Original Anime Death Note.

I will be watching for PM’s and Comments for the other writers I am needing… For those of you that do not know what TheO Story is there is a post in TheO Story world subject name ‘Come Join the Fun’. Read over it and if you find this is something you would like to be part of, you are more then welcome to join. You do not have to pass anything or submit a written piece to prove you know what you are doing. All you have to do is know how to write and have an idea, and tell me you want in to be part of it and you will be added to the list.

See you all around TheO My Friends…

