What is the Watercooler?

It's a haven in the middle of a harsh, 9-to-5 world. A place where you can gather with your fellow human beings and bond over a paper cup full of cool refreshment.

All sorts of randomness is welcome here. Post pictures, videos, special Chat information, or just discuss news and current events.

Want to be a guest poster? PM TimeChaser.

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Epic win.

Now normally, I really am not too keen on the Death Note series. This video brought to my attention by a friend though, made me smile.

Disclaimer: there's a few choice, special words in this. There, I warned you.

Owned. End of conversation.

When boredom strikes...

... who you gonna call?!


Ahem, anyway. I has a very simple question for you folks, possibly stemming from ink.black.sky's question about scanlations.
Do you read online comics? Not scanlations, but things like VG Cats. If you do, please feel free to share your favorite online comic artist with the rest of us comic loving fiends.

I read the occasional online comic. I used to read lots, but now I simply limit myself to a couple. VG Cats is one, and the other is Awkward Zombie. Very funny comics; most of it is Pokemon and Super Smash Bros. Melee/Brawl. She also does some funny Phoenix Wright stuff. You might have also seen her work on deviantArt.

Well, get crackin' folks, and spread the love!


I laughed greatly.


Just, please watch this. Some of you may have seen this already, as I've been obsessed with this guy as of late, and have been passing the links around like mad... But seriously. Just.. watch.


So, I have a question for everyone...

How many of you read scanlations on the internet?

I do, mainly because I'm impatient, so I don't like to wait for the English releases. Now, the English publishing companies don't really appreciate their titles being posted on the internet for anyone to veiw for free. I wonder what everyone's opinion is on the matter.

So, do you read scanlations? Do you think they should/shouldn't be on the internet?
