Happy FOOD (I mean Turkey) day

Well Happy Thanksgiving to everyone

I have alot of things to be thankful for, such as good food, a roof above my head, good friends and family, and a ton of other things
anyways. I will be working on all requests and art trades today

Art Trade with Ryochi30
Art Trade with MeiTsukiHana
Red Kie's request
a Sand Chronicles pic
more pages of my Alice manga
The Character profiles for the Chesire Cat and Alice
character designs of all the other characters for my Alice manga
I will take mroe requests. I changed it. I have tons of spaces. so if you want something drawn either comment here or PM me plz
I know this probably isnt a good idea. but oh well
I am also waiting on Mad Hatter Belia's entry for my contest so I can judge it
so plz get that up
