
Ok, so I jsut read on a couple of others worlds and checked on TwoFacedLullaby's world myself that....well. I dont want to believe it, how could this have happened?

Well, TwoFacedLullaby is in the hospital with major head injuries and bleeding, because she pushed a little kid out of the way of a car and instead got hit herself
I really hope everything is ok with her. and she will get better soon
And when she gets back, I really hope i cna get to know her better. *cries*
I feel that she did a good deed and that she feels good about it
and when she gets back, we will all be very amazed and proud that she did that good thing
I mean, no one wants to get hit by a car. and it was probably better that a little kid didnt die, becasue she has a very high chance fo getting out of this alive, which she will
I am leaving this post at a end with a picture
(I didnt draw it, sorry)
