A OC Quiz, Some Life, and to Top it All Off...A Cherry

Basically it's just interveiwing some of your characters. you're suposed to tag a 3 people. so...at the end I'll tag a couple

The characters I choose to Interview are:

Angel(male) --- Ami(female) --- Lilitha(female(sebastian's twin sister(havent drawn her yet)))

How old are you?

Angel: 10 years old in Demon years...on the outside I look like I'm 18

Ami: I'm seven! *peace*

Lilitha: Right now I'm 16 or so...in both yours and my world

What story do you come from?

Angel: My story doesnt have a name yet

Ami: I live in my own story!

Lilitha: My story is called 'Destiny'

Do you have any bad habbits?

Angel: I guess you could say I have a bad habit for ruining clothes...fighting nightmare demons is hard work

Ami: I suck my thumb...but thats not a bad habit!!!

Lilitha: I tend to speak before I think...which can be bad

Are you a virgin?

Angel: Who wants to know

Ami: What does that mean???

Lilitha: Yes...

Who's your mate/spouse?

Angel: I dont know...maybe Leah

Ami: NO!!

Lilitha: I havent married him yet...but I truly love Markus

Do you have any skills?

Angel: Does killing nightmare demons count and ruining clothes count?

Ami: I can talk to frogs...ribbit!!

Lilitha: I have the power of fire...my brother got water

What is your personlaity like?

Angel: I'm the silent hero type...bad boy when I wanna be...innocent when I need to be

Ami: I am cute!!!

Lilitha: I havent really found it yet...changed personas one to many times(only once) but you get my meaning...I guess you could call me silent and deadly but sweet

What is your favourite icecream flavor?

Angel: I love Vanilla...whoever invented ice-cream needs a gold medal

Ami: I love Strawberry with chocolate sauce!!!

Lilitha: From my time on earth I would have to say Neopolitan

Have you killed anyone?

Angel: Only the demons that haunt us all

Ami: I accidentally killed a little bug one time

Lilitha: Not yet...but there is something that says the only way to stop all this is to kill Sebastian...

Do you hate anyone?

Angel: Sometimes I dislike Leah...but I cant hate her

Ami: Only that boy down the street who pushed me into the pool that one time.

Lilitha: Only that stupid vampire Anna and that swordsman Damon

Do you have any secrets?

Angel: Thats for me to know and for you not to know

Ami: Why would I keep secrets?

Lilitha: Why would I tell you if they are secrets?

Do you love anyone?

Angel: I think I am starting to fall for Leah..but who knows, feelings are hard to understand being a demon...

Ami: my mommy!!!

Lilitha: *blush* How could I not love Markus?

What is your job?

Angel: To kill all nightmare demons that come from the human child's nightmares

Ami: Being a kid!

Lilitha: I was on earth...brought back to my home world Elitha and now am apparently supposed to keep my twin brother from taking it over....

What do you do to relax?

Angel: Sleep under trees

Ami: Read a book

Lilitha: I hardly ever have time for it...but when I do I love to just hand my feet in the water

What is your speices?

Angel: I am a demon created by the gods above to destroy evil demons

Ami: Human...

Lilitha: I am elf

Who is your family?

Angel: I dont have a family...

Ami: I just live with Mommy...daddy left...

Lilitha: My parents have dissapeared and all thats left is my twin brother Sebastian