Apartment mates

I was still reeling from my new surroundings when a voice interrupted my scattered thoughts about what I was supposed to do now and where I was to go. "Hi, mister. Are you new here?" came the sweet voice that belonged to a young girl no more than 10 years old.

She had an older sister by her side, looking to be about 3 years younger than myself. She looked like she wanted to smack her sister for talking to me. Not literally of course, I reminded myself. But, the way siblings treat each other. I had observed that plenty of times while I was up in heaven.

Blend, I reminded myself. Blend in. Be like the humans. I put on a bright smile, "I am. I just moved in yesterday. I'm Kaleb, Kale," I replied. The older sister tilted her head, looking up at me as though taking me in, unsure of what to think of me.

"I'm Lily, and this is Sadie, my sister. Our brother is out and about," the younger sister told me matter of factly. "We're on our way to school."

"School, right," I nodded, remembering that I needed to figure out a job. What would I want to do to earn a little cash, to fully blend in around here. Something that would be worthy of my talents, some place I'd be able to really enjoy myself.

"Do you have a job? Where are you going?" the older sibling, Sadie, asked curiously. She seemed to be referring to the clothes I was wearing, which must have come across as strange to them.

I looked down at my attire trying to think of something plausible where I could work and wear clothes such as these baggy shorts and Tshirt. I saw a poster for a ball game down the street a ways, and I decided to just go with it. "I'm a basketball player," I told them. "I off to go play a game..." Maybe I could find a job down at the gym?

They seemed to buy that as they nodded. These two seemed nice enough, maybe my first human friends?

