Three Seasons of Digimon Couldn't Help Mimi

The digi-destined are well regarded as one of the finest teams in anime, pity Mimi didn't get nearly enough positive development.

Mimi is one of three girls in the Digi-destined, while Sora grows from her tomboy phase into a feminine lady and Kari along with TK inherit the leadership from their older brothers (Davis doesn't count) Mimi on the other hand moved away to America and was very much absent from the cast over the 2nd season.
It wasn't any better for Mimi in the 1st season, she played princess to a bunch of digimon letting her vanity take control, she refused to fight for a time which cost some Digimon their lives and her goodbye to Palmon was needlessly drawn out.
But the real kicker was her return to Japan in season 3, taking her American outlook into Japan which took her sincerity for which she represents to some of it's worse traits becoming much more selfish as a result, even blowing a chance to help relieve Digimon's worsening reputation in the human world.
A rollercoaster ride for Digimon's weakest character.
