Does Saitama's Training Work?

Sorry for delaying posting, I've had to put up with poor mental health lately, hopefully I can pick up some momentum again.

Saitama of One Punch Man fame is renowned for his impossible strength but his training regime sounds pretty mundane, 100 Push-Ups, 100 Sit-Ups, 100 Squats and a 10K run, everyday for two years.
Pretty straight forward routine but is it effective in real life as these exercises are pretty easy for anyone to do?
Upon research on the subject it's able to provide the following benefits.
Great cardiovascular health & endurance.
Muscle strength & efficient muscle mass.
Fat-gain control & metabolic health.
No need for any equipment or dedicated space.
Super simple and down-to-earth routine.
All this data collected from numerous workout websites who have been asked the question about Saitama's workout regime.
But there is a catch.
You first need to build up to those levels especially if you aren't used to regular exercise, your body will be destroyed doing too much too soon and won't get time to recover so start with reps and lower run distances until your body adapts, I also imagine the exercise ceases being effective after so long as you'll likely plateau at about three months.
Finally you need a good diet, often overlooked but Saitama has stated at numerous times that he does eat a well balanced diet.
So yes, Saitama's exercise routine does work as long as you don't do too much too soon and eat a good diet, you won't be destroying your enemies in One Punch but you won't be going bald anytime soon.
