Not Dead Yet!

So I'm not sure where I've been... busy I suppose? Let's see what's up with Waffles fandom wise...

Kingdom Hearts has kinda dwindled out. I by no means am done with Kingdom Hearts, not in the least. There's just no new games, and if there's new info out there I'm not reading it or seeing it. I suppose after years of pretty much spoiling stuff for myself I'm tired of it. During the summer I plan to finish Coded, as I never got around to it. Maybe I'll keep doing the live blog thing but, those are a lot of work and I don't feel like Coded has enough "umph" to it. You know?

I've dived into Batman fandom. I grew up watching the cartoon back in the day, so I'm fairly well educated on the Batmanverse but the DC universe is sooo mind boggling. I have a good grasp on Marvel but DC is something else ya'll. I'm focusing on the Batfamily and I'm gonna branch out from there. Right now my Amazon list if filled with Batfamily stuff, which is awesome but my goal this summer was to buy myself a nice TV not to waste all my moneyz on comics.

Doctor Who is back, so that is good! Not... much to say about that.

As far as anime goes I'm currently watching Naruto. I love the Naruto verse, I think it has a lot of potential. What I don't like is... well Naruto. But maybe he'll grow on my, like a parasite? Okay its been years and he still hasn't. I pretty much only watch when it's a Naruto light arc. And none of that filler crap. I'm also watching Deadman Wonderland, which... has the scariest opening theme ever. Also also watching Blue Exorcist, which is lovely. I love me some Rin, that guy is the best. I tried to find some shojo to break up my shonen heavy watching list but... nada. If you have something tell me! Something I can watch on Hulu or Crunchyroll or Neflix?

What else... Manga! I tried to get back into Reborn, figuring that it has been years since I've read it online so the English version must've caught up by now, right?! Nope. I probably have another year or two before Viz gets to the point where I stopped reading. I'm currently only buying two series. After School Charisma, 'cause clones = yay? And Ooku the Inner Chambers, 'cause alternative history = yay?

So there it is, an update! Huzzah! Also I have a Tumblr... if you're into that type of thing and like to be spammed by pictures...
