Birth by Sleep - Ventus - Shits and Giggles

There's so much to process in this post. A lot of stuff is revealed. We get Eraqus' backstory, get to see some old friends (future friends?) and learn about bit more about Ven's shady history. Lots of places to go, lots to learn and all in a little bit of time.

  • Ummm Hi Donald. Hi Goofy!
  • They’re both wondering when Mickey’s going to come back when… HI VEN!
  • Ven crash lands at the Mysterious Tower!
  • Looks like we’re here folks again folks. And by here again I mean back a while ago as Terra, then in the future as Aqua and even more so in the future (about 11 years) as Sora! Whew.
  • Anyhoo Goofy says “that feller’s got the Star Shard the King borrowed!” Huh, I wonder where Mickey got it from.
  • And Ven’s like “King???” And… Donald and Goofy kidnap Ven. OH GAWD!
  • So up and away we go to Yen Sid’s office!
  • Goofy’s all like “SIR WE GOT A CLUE, SIR!” And Yen Sid already knows who Ven is. Maybe Eraqus has talked about him?
  • Hey what the hell is Eraqus doing this whole time? Kicking back? Sipping some tea? Why isn’t he tracking Terra down or trying to find Ven?
  • Oh hey he did hear about Ven from Eraqus. And then he’s like “Ur… aren’t you supposed to have gone back home by now? No matter, Mickey never really does what I tell him to do. Hey did ya’ll say something about a clue? Did it have a paw print on it? Otherwise it’s not really a clue…”
  • Donald hands over the Star Shard and Goofy butchers Ven’s name. “Ventilate, Veggie” are some of the examples.
  • So… nobody knows where Mickey is but Yen Sid is about to figure it out.
  • He’s… in the Graveyard?

  • Does… this mean we get to team up with Goofy and Donald? Looks… like a “no.”
  • But any way you slice it we’re off to find Mickey!
  • D-link with Donald and Goofy.
  • As soon as we land we in the Graveyard/Badlands we find Mickey. Well... this can’t be right.
  • OH GOD!
  • Woah! Ven suddenly gets flashes of past memories.
  • We… had to loose so we could find it? And now it can be “yours” again if we reach out and take it?
  • Doesn’t… sound as good as “GET INTO MY BELLY!”
  • Oh jeez he’s already revealing his EBIL PLAN! “Clash with him! Pure light against pure darkness, to forge the ultimate key. The all-powerful ‘x’-blade!”
  • Ven… passes out?
  • Oh hey Xhanort is explaining some more.
  • “’x’… A most ancient letter.” I’m thinking Greek? “Some say “kye,” but the meaning is the same. Death. A letter that spells endings.”
  • Urrr… why’d you summon a dark portal/cloud thing Xehanort?
  • Ven’s like “I have the power to make it?”
  • “Yeap! And Eraqus knoooooows. He knows what you aaaaare~ “Haven’t you ever wondered? Why he never granted you permission to leave his side, to grow stronger?” He’s totally afraid of you. Like if you knew the truth, knew what you are… He so doesn’t trust you.”
  • And… Ven’s totally buying into it. Even though the dark portal/cloud almost zapped his face off.
  • Ummm… Xehanort blasts Ven and Mickey into the dark portal and tells Ven to go see Eraqus and learn his purpose.
  • We’re floating in space? Lovely? Ven’s clutching at his head and having a
  • “WHAT AM I?!” moment.

  • “What has the Master been keeping from me all this time?” He spots the Land of Departure and gets all srs faced. Or… his armor has permanent srs face. Something.
  • So in flies Ven back at the Land of Departure.
  • He’s waffling… not sure if he wants to go into the castle or wait for Eraqus to find him or maybe he should just leave but… Here’s Eraqus.
  • Eraqus is all like “Urrr… where’s Aqua? I thought she’d be with you. Whatevs, it’s good to have you home. I was getting really lonely I started adopting cats. I’ve converted Terra’s room into a cat habitat, I hope he won’t mind. I’ve named them Snuffy, and Mittens and Dilbert, and Veronica and- Seriously you shouldn’t have left. You should stay here, so I can teach you and stuff.”
  • “In your prison?”
  • “What?”
  • “That’s your excuse… for keeping me imprisoned here, isn’t it?”
  • “What did you hear?”
  • “That I’m supposed to be some weapon… Some kind of… ‘x’-blade!” ANGRY VEN IS ANGRY!
  • “I knew it. Xehanort – he could never let it go.” And then they hint that Xehanort gave Eraqus his scar?
  • Yeap, this is a scar-free Eraqus. He’s reminding Xehanort that there’s a reason why they don’t have certain knowledge. And that all the ‘x’-blade would do would be to “blanket all the worlds in darkness, reduce them to nothing”. Ur… that sounds evil. But Xehanort is like “The worlds were covered in darkness once before… in a legend. And we don’t know a lot about the Keyblade War, only that it was the beginning. And they found light. And we should totally try to figure out what they did and how. Cause like… ruin brings about creation! So another Keyblade War will totally bring something new and awesome along. And maybe we can be found “worthy of the precious light the legend speaks of”. I just gotta know! The ‘x’-blade has to be forged so I can have a new Keyblade War!” And Eraqus is like “Urm… you want to start the apocalypse for shits and giggles? Idiot. I won’t let you do it, not while I’m alive.” Augh, Xehanort goes off on a “darkness is the beginning not the end, we start off from darkness” rant. Lols, Eraqus isn’t happy. SO THEY’RE FIGHTING! And Xehanort dark blobs Eraqus to the face, scarring him.
  • 8D
  • Back in the present Eraqus is like “I failed to stop him once, I won’t fail again!” And he pulls his keyblade out and points it at Ven.
  • Nuuuuu!
  • But he’s a bit crazed now and is spouting stuff about how the ‘x’-blade has “no place in this or any world.”
  • TERRA!
  • So he’s all like “If you’re going to protect Ventus I gotta kill you too!”
  • And even though Ven’s like “Dude he’s right!” And Eraqus’ light blasts both Terra and Ven, making Ven pass out and Terra’s darkness starts to roll off of him. Pissed, Terra throws Ven into a light portal and… “Wait Terra!” But too late! Off we go!