Birth by Sleep - Terra - Riku Is A Smarty Pants


  • Well we aren’t quite done yet! Terra’s punting along on his scooter when he starts to GO INTO THE LIGHT! NO DON’T DO IT TERRA!
  • Actually we should all know what this means by now:
  • Oh crap which means it’ll all be cutscenes…
  • So Terra’s standing on the beach of the play island watching the surf and to his surprise a paopu fruit washes up onto the shore.
  • He picks it up and compares it to his Wayfinder while an Aqua voiceover talks about how the Wayfinders are based off a “star-shaped fruit.”
  • Terra spots the paopu tree and makes a bee-line for it.
  • A… ray of light shines through a black screen and Terra walks in, kind of like walking into a dark room (the light behind him even goes out like a closing door). He’s clutching his Wayfinder and thinking of Aqua and Ven and wondering if they’ll ever be a team again. A lot of the things that held them together now push them further away. So he’s not sure what he’s supposed to do. And there Terra walks into a bright white light.
  • I think… the above scene is supposed to be metaphorical but… eh.
  • Terra walks across the bride and SORA AND RIKU RUN PAST HIM!
  • How do these kids not freak out when strangers appear on their island?
  • Both of them sit down on the crooked paopu tree branch (I MISS THESE GUYS SO MUCH!) and Terra smiles at them.
  • He notices light coming from Riku and wonders if was guided here in order to meet him.
  • Terra walks away.
  • Sora stands up on the trunk and starts to play with Riku, pretending that he sees a boat and wants to race Riku to the boat (the first one to get there gets to be captain).
  • Sora takes off running but Riku walks slowly behind him.
  • Terra’s back down at the water again Sora slows down and walks behind him, staring, but takes off running again once he’s passed Terra.
  • Oh god are Terra and Riku going to have a melding of the minds? For some reason I don’t think a five year old Riku can relate to Terra’s angst just yet.
  • Wait… if Riku is five that makes Sora four. Who in the hell lets their four year old ROW A BOAT TO AN ISLAND AND PLAY WITHOUT AND SUPERVISION? Or their five year old? Eight… maybe but FOUR AND FIVE?!
  • Terra turns around just as Riku starts to walk by and in my head I’m composing THE MOST DRAMATIC MUSIC EVER!
  • Riku lets out a little “hey” and I die because his voice IS JUST THAT CUTE! I want a baby Riku of my own.
  • Lols, Riku wants to know if Terra came from “the outside world.” God the kid is obsessed already.
  • Speaking of Riku being a baby… I wonder what his parents are like? Maybe they’re the reason he wants to go away so badly. Like… his dad and mom have always lived on the island and they’re not super special awesome heros. He sees people every day being NORMAL and (being a kid) he wants something more exciting. I could've gone in an overly dramatic route where Riku gets smacked around but… yeah I don’t think that’s it.
  • Terra’s all like “Wait what, huh?”
  • Hur, Riku is a smarty pants. He knows nobody lives on the play island (OH GOD HOW WEIRD WOULD THAT BE! A creepy play island hermit!) and he knows that Terra isn’t from the main island.
  • I’m dying of fangirl joy, Sora’s in the background standing on the dock panting. But hey, at least he finally won a race.
  • Terra agrees with me, Riku’s a smart kid.
  • Terra doesn’t answer Riku but asks what he’s doing out here. Apparently Riku’s dad’s friend took them out on the boat. So… not unsupervised play time on an island. That’s something. Not that we see Riku’s dad’s friend but… pixels cost money.
  • Okay now I feel bad for bad-mouthing their parents because Riku even says that even though they like to play out there their parents won’t let them row out by themselves, not until they get older.
  • Terra says it must be heard staying in one place (dude the kid is five, not taking a nap is hard).
  • Apparently Riku heard about a kid who left “for good”. I was kinda afraid that Terra would be the one who planted this whole “BUILD A RAFT” idea but at least this desire for Riku to get the heck outta dodge came entirely from himself.
  • Riku’s standing at the shore and then he morphs into Xehanort/Ansem/Xemnas who starts to turn towards Terra.
  • Then Xehanort/Ansem/Xemnas turns into 16 year old Riku! Older Riku is now facing Terra and he smiles and Terra gasps.
  • Baby Riku is back and asks Terra how he got to the island and Terra wants to know why he’s so interested in the outside world.
  • Apparently Riku wants to be strong, like the kid who left, he went to outside world and Riku bets he’s really strong by now. Riku also knows that out there is the strength that he needs.
  • Terra wants to know why he needs strength and Riku tells him:
    “To protect the things that matter. You know, like my friends.” OH GOD WHY IS RIKU THE MOST ADORABLE THING WHO’S EVER ADORABLED!

  • Terra, who obviously can relate, smiles and nods.
  • Terra admits that outside Destiny Island there’s a bigger world.
  • And he totally shows off his Keyblade to Riku!
  • Then… he asks Riku to take it?
  • Apparently if you hold a keyblade, and you’re able to wield it, then one day you’ll be able to wield it? And when he gets a keyblade of his own he’ll be able to find a friend? The wording was a bit off so I’m not sure if it meant Terra or if he’d be able to friend any friend. There won’t be any oceans to cross or “borders around, or below, or above, so long as you champion the ones you love.”
  • So Riku takes a hold of the keyblade.
  • Up from the dock Sora tells Riku to hurry up and Riku turns around to wave, letting go of the keyblade. Terra whispers to Riku to keep it a secret. Pffft, because otherwise “all the magic will wear off.”
  • Sora comes running up to meet Riku and Riku goes running over to Sora. Sora wants to know what was going on but Riku won’t tell him. After Sora pesters him for a bit Riku admits that it’s a secret and Sora says “I’m like the best secret-keeper in the world!”
  • Back over to Terra, who’s watching the pair, goes over what Riku just said to him. “Protect the things that matter.” Terra knows his friends still matter to him, which means he still has things he needs to protect.
  • I’m serious, I love me some baby Riku!
  • Oh hey we’re punting along again on the scooter!
  • Terra looks up to see a shooting star light thing which he thinks might be Ven.
  • OH GOD NOW! Xehanort is back mind-raping Terra. Apparently once again he needs to talk to us.
  • Oh ffs… he goes off to find Master Xehanort rather than chase after the light.
  • Well if that’s not a metaphor I don’t know what is.