Birth by Sleep - Terra - Highly Unsafe

I think one of the problems I have with Terra is his name. For those of you who don't know Terra, Aqua and Ventus follow the same naming scheme as Riku, Kairi and Sora. Terra/Riku's names meaning earth (in Latin and Japanese respectively), Aqua/Kairi names meaning water (again in Latin and Japanese) and finally Ventus and Sora's names meaning wind/sky (ONCE AGAIN in Latin and Japanese). Anyhoo my point! Terra is a rather feminine name. I can think of two other characters named Terra off the top of my head and both of them are female. So yeah... that's why I don't like Terra's name. Because it's sounds super girly.

  • Back again in Deep Space. I wonder if like... the beings (it'd be weird to call them aliens in this context) from Deep Space run around in their ships and they actually live in a different World(s).
  • Terra punts along on his scooter and he’s… looking at his Wayfinder? That seems to be highly unsafe.
  • And there’s a CLOUD of Unversed.
  • Okay… dunno what the point of that was but we ran some of them over.
  • Oh hey big ship!
  • Terra gets pulled in!
  • Gantu and the Grand Councilwoman are in the jail/prison and they ride an elevator thing up to a cell that has… Terra? Apparently they’re keeping him there until they can figure out what he is.
  • Terra’s knocked out well… that is until he wakes up.
  • He runs to the door (which is translucent) and looks down at Gantu and the GC who are now on the main floor battling/running from the Unversed.
  • Terra, seeing this, unlocks his cell door with his keyblade and starts to fight the Unversed.
  • Jumba is in a cell and congratulates Terra on his victory. Then he asks Terra to break him out, saying he was wrongfully imprisoned. That the new creature he created could help defeat the Unversed AND that his creature was only locked up because people are afraid of him because he’s more powerful than they could ever hope to be.
  • Terra can clearly relate on some level so he busts Jumba out.
  • So off we go to break 626 out!
  • After the stupidest detour ever we get to the room they’re keeping 626 in and Jumba then decides to clue Terra into the fact that 626’s main function is to destroy everything it sees.
  • 626 jumps out of his glass container and jumps on Terra then yoinks his Wayfinder.
  • Terra freaks out but luckily 626 drops it and scuttles on out.
  • Terra picks up his Wayfinder and realizes that all of this time he’s been worried about becoming stronger and more independent but the moment he lets his “heart do the talking I find out how little I know myself. And how much I miss them.”
  • Terra then says to Jumba that he might be wrong about his experiment and that deep down 626 probably wants friends.
  • Jumba’s ticked so he… drops a ball into a beaker.
  • For those of you who don’t know Experiment 626 is just that. The 626th experiment of Doctor Jumba’s. There’s a whole TV show and a couple of movies based around the other experiments getting loose and Lilo and Stitch track them down and find them their forever homes. The Experiments are stored in these little ball things and when added to water… they rehydrate/grow into their real forms.
  • So… Jumba is so ticked he’s breaking out another experiment to show off just how evil his experiments are.
  • And we’re fighting it…
  • It being experiment 221 who I think goes on to power a light house? I’ll check after the fight.
  • The fight itself is rather stressful, the key is to look for a good opening. It is possible to stop some of his attacks before they happen but yeah, just a not-so-fun fight.
  • Oh jeez… it was a light house.
  • ANYHOO! 221 reverts back to ball form and 626 returns!
  • Terra thinks that 626 came back to learn what ‘friends’ are and he tells 626 that he can’t really tell him what friends are but he’ll know it when it happens.
  • Then over the loud speakers it is announced that 626 and two prisoners have escaped so 626 and Jumba book it.
  • Not wanting to be captured Terra summons a light portal and hops on his scooter. Before he leaves he looks at his Wayfinder and promises to Ven and Aqua that he’ll “find some way to make things right.”
  • D-link with 626 and a new keyblade!
  • That… was short.