Birth by Sleep - Aqua - Aqua is Deep

This is the first play through I didn't write entirely sitting at the computer. I played a bit of it at work but most of the end stuff is as we go/play by play action. These worlds are SO SHORT! You can crack through them in about 30 minutes and that includes pretty much fighting every single Unversed you come across. Also: I keep on wanting to call Unversed Heartless... :<

  • So we land in Dwarf Woodland and we get a cut scene of Hag!Witch bearing down on Snow White and forcing an apple into her hands…
  • Aqua pops up during the Dwarves’ (no idea if that is grammatically or politically correct) funeral thing and proclaims she’ll fight her way through the castle to find a cure for Snow White.
  • We get to explore around the cottage and go inside which is fun because AQUA IS SO TALL! Seriously, Sora and co are such shrimps next to her. I know Terra is a bit tall than her but HOLY COW SO FUN TO BE TALL!
  • There’s a couple new Unversed about but I’m learning the controls better so, yay!
  • Go through the creepy woods, open some presents and… the castle!
  • The Prince is here (does he have a name?) and he tells you he’s looking for the princess he met here. Once you tell him she’s currently in a coma he’s off! Aqua is meeting all the princes. Is there an unclaimed prince for her to marry? M-Maybe that’s why we don’t met her in the other games because she’s too busy off being an awesome Queen.
  • More presents and a… MAP!
  • So we go through the dungeon which… is a lot more straight forward then it looks. It has gates and stuff on timers but you don’t have to do ANYTHING with them which is kinda frustrating. So just power on through and we’re…
  • Already to the mirror? Seriously? The dungeon leads to the Evil Queen’s room?
  • Mirror fight! Is surprisingly easy once you get a grasp on his attacks. He’s got about three tricks and the real problem is getting him to float by you so you can hit him up.
  • After we beat the Mirror up he poofs and Aqua touches the mirror and looks weird… hmmmm
  • So back to the cottage for a cut scene and the Prince kisses Snow White awake and she latches onto his neck right away which takes some of the creepy level down and Aqua thinks its “sweet”. AQUA YOU ARE TOO NICE!
  • She also says it’s a miracle.
  • So… we’re done? Right?
  • Wha-huh? Ven? Asleep on a bed?
  • What… do you mean he won’t wake up? AQUA KISS HIM!
  • He… wakes up (minus an Aqua kiss) and has those creepy dead eyes… GUUUUUUUUUUYS
  • Aqua runs off and says it’s a miracle and calls for Terra and Master Eraqus (Teacher guy?) so… is this what happens between that opening scene with Ven on Destiny Island and the METEOR SHOWER?
  • So… that was a flashback. And we didn’t find Terra or Ven or Master Xehanort… Or even see any sign of them…
  • Snow White kisses the Dwarves on the head; also a dwarf seems to be missing. But then he pops up? But she only kissed 6 of them so… yeah…
  • Off goes Snow White and Aqua is all like “Every waking is a new journey” BECAUSE SHE’S DEEP YA’LL! And maybe Ven left because it was his time?
  • D-Link with Snow White! Whoo whoo! And a new keyblade. I wonder if they all get the same keyblades or if there are different ones for each character…
  • Back to the world map and now onto the next!