Seen a Waffle Lurking About theOtaku Lately?

Never Fear! For This Waffle is Here to

Soothe the Wounded Soul.

| Kingdom Hearts Recap Master Post |
| Adventures of Action!Axel |


Our first World is Castle of Dreams, which is where Cinderella hails! I think this is how the game is going to continue on for awhile. Aqua chases after Ven and Terra but never really catches up with either of them and really doesn't get a chanc...

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Birth by Sleep - Aqua - OMINOUS Beginnings

Okay so I turn the game on and right away you get stuff about save info, which isn’t something you needed to know. Then the intro video starts up with credits over it, if you want to find it you can find it over on youtube. I want to comme...

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Look for the first recap post tonight!

Waffle's Rant, Update 9 and....

New icon, new background, new introduction image... same old Waffles. This time Kingdom Hearts themed. Ya got your three main trio's up there with my favorite Kingdom Hearts quote ("Well go Together").

Also: Look for a new world: Every Day Writing. Which has a prompt out of my creative writing text book that I'll be responding to hopefully once a day. I also encourage ya'll to post your own response in either the comments or up on one of your own worlds. Should be fun, no?

Birth by Sleep: Launch Trailer

So long...
So pretty...
Only 15 days!