Writing introductions is a bit tedious so....just take a look at my first post if you want to know more....

....and if you get curious about the name of this World or my posts, check out the second one.

Unleash The Beast

I am ridiculously angry right now. Like, seriously, it's ridiculous how angry I am. It's ridiculous that I'm even angry in the first place. It's one of those moments when I really wish my "wifey" or even my "mistress" was still around to talk to (or at least text) at any time of day or night. Just to snap me out of it and calm me down so I can sleep normally. I may have acquired a new "girlfriend" this week, but I think it's a bit soon to be bothering her w/my rage problems so....I write...

You think someone knows you, and then...you think they know how you would react in certain situations, how you would feel about things, not everything, they're not mind readers you know, but you think at least, at least, those certain things that are REALLY NOT OK with you, those things you think they know...

And then you remember they're fucking clueless about everything involving other people.

And that's not the half of it.

I'm much less mad at my idiot big brother (b/c after all, let's face it, he is just my idiot big brother, he can't help the way he is...) than I am at his....friend? drinking buddy? little boy he hangs around with b/c there's no one better in town?

they all fit I guess...

1. Don't talk about me to my big brother to find out if I might let you hang out with me instead of talking to me yourself.

2. DON'T ask him for my email, especially when I've given you like 18 different chances to ask me for it yourself.

3. AND DON'T wait until 11pm to ask him to text me b/c you weren't drunk enough to have the courage before then.

I do not have time for wishy-washy, nervous little boys.


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the girlfriend

I really want to post more (a loooot more) about 冬コミ but I knew I had to get that out of my system...Eh....I'll probably end up texting the new gf about some of it tomorrow if I'm not feeling better when I wake up, but dammit...I really didn't want this kind of headache before bedtime.

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The weak are allowed to congregate. I want to be weak. If that's impossible, at least give me someone as strong as I am.

Pride on the Blade

Eh...I've waited way too long to make this post...I knew I should have done it right after I went to 夏コミ and could really talk excitedly about it. I'm only doing it now b/c I'm afraid with Beth visiting next weekend I'll end up having too much other stuff to talk about & never get to it if I don't. Oh well...gotta try and make it good anyway...So, I did my ANBU cosplay both the 1st and 2nd day, but the pictures are all from the 2nd. The 1st day I was by myself, while the 2nd Hachi was with me to be my personal cameraman.

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This girl had the most amazing contacts, but you can't see them at all in the pic...

Hachi was pretty funny when we went out to the cosplay plaza (you can't just take pictures in the middle of the convention hall after all, it's way too crowded). She's been going to these things longer than me, and the first time she invited me she mentioned going to look at cosplayers as something to do there but it turns out...she's never actually done it! Seems she was too scared to go out there by herself.

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This girl was the best Lee ever! I mean, seriously....she looks EXACTLY like him!

I can kinda understand Hachi's hesitation I guess. I've gone out and walked through it befeaore, but never taken pictures of people b/c I was by myself and it felt weird. Having her with me, and seeing her get excited over every cool looking person we saw made it a lot easier for me to walk up to random people and chat about Naruto or ask to take pics together. A few of them even asked me if I had business cards. Yep. Cosplay business cards. I have to make some now since I ended up receiving them.

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These might be the only Naruto cosplayers I met who were actually male...

Notice something missing from my costume? Yeah...no weapons. I was so upset when the staff made me leave my sword and armor at the cloak check! What's an ANBU without a sword strapped to their back?!? It makes the costume! OK, actually, the mask is what makes the costume, but still...the sword is pretty damn important.

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I had to take one w/Gilbert even though we don't match at all...

And when it was all over I had to get a haircut since I bleached the purple out & my hair started melting off just like when it was pink 4 years ago. I keep thinking of more characters I want to cosplay now. I hope my mom is up for some more sewing next time I go home....

Back from Blind

Spring Break was too short. And at the same time too long. Too short for me to do anything relaxing. Too long a time spent doing things that were necessary. Too long of being switched "on", a feeling I never thought I'd have in Gainesville. Too short for my brain to reset itself and gear up for another round of jr. high kids and their teachers this month.

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...do my knuckles look extra white?

I was really looking forward to going to Florida before the break. A lot more than I had been the first time I went. And in some ways this trip was better. I was expecting things (like huge grocery stores and weird looking money) so I didn't freak out when I got there. It was warm, even hot on a few days. But it was mostly just a whirlwind of shopping, doctors, events, and drama. Oh the petty Gainesville drama. How I loathe it.

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...at least we make a cute picture...

My dad - married to a woman with the same haircut as him
My mom - starting to look creepily like my grandmother
My stepdad - building a fishtank the size of a truck (literally!)
My new stepmom - doesn't talk, just looks at me
My brother - chasing some girl who only calls back one out of three times
My stepsister - has become an insomniac
Her ugly husband - tried to have a conversation w/me about Bleach, as if he knew something...
Their son - kinda cross eyed
Their daughter - getting cuter, but still slow in the mental area in my opinion
My gay cousin - getting increasingly more offensive tattoos (the latest is of two gay cowboys with no pants)
His older sister - still dating a guy 12 years older than her with no job
Their mom - bailed the boyfriend out of jail
Their dad - has no clue about any of it
My best friend - sneaking beers in her bedroom closet (yes, she is 30 years old)
My former coworkers - annoyed that I couldn't make more time to sit around with them while they talk about people I don't know

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...I pulled off the "killing intent" expression better than I thought....

In spite of all that, the last two days of the break, when I returned to Shizuoka, (and a large part of the week that followed) made up for all that short/long time spent in the home that isn't mine anymore. It was like everything fell into place when I read that sign in the airport that says, "Welcome home" in Japanese. Best thing about the Narita airport - when the customs man looks at my Visa and says, "You're a teacher? Please, go right ahead!" And then it was anime shopping, and anime-song karaoke with my (now high school) girls on Saturday, a random encounter that led to cosplay and a reunion with an old favorite student on Sunday, free matsuri food from Sarah, & really awesome chocolate cake with Pin, and everybody hugging me and saying, "Welcome home," over and over. Best thing about my new school - being called "cool" behind my back (also, literally) by girls and boys alike.

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...but that's because I am cool of course...

A Wonderful Error

I went to 冬コミ in Tokyo in the last days of 2009. It was pretty awesome. As expected. Or rather, as I knew it would be since I've been to like 8 other comic markets this year. I stayed 2 days instead of the full 3 like I did in the summer. I still bought a ton more stuff than was really necessary of course, but it was like my Christmas present to myself (along w/that new FF Gaiden game for DS that I can't play since I left my charger in the hotel...) I was planning on doing my Lenalee cosplay again & going all out w/purple hair & contacts, but......well, the contacts don't looks so great over my natural light brown eye color & I squint all the time anyway, and......apparently you shouldn't use purple hair dye that's two years old....

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...it loses some of it's potency & you get colors like this. Which are incredibly fucking cute! I was so happy with it! Who would've guessed?

Words Just Don't Like You

Something very disturbing has just happened. Apparently there are too many chapters of Bleach for Wikipedia to be bothered about keeping them all on file. They now only list the first 4 chapters of each volume. Because, you know, those extra 4 lines of text were breaking their server and were the sole cause of their new desire for donations. Which means that I now must return to the practice of pulling out the tankobon one by one to find the title I want for my posts. めんどくせええ........

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We dressed up for Halloween & went out in Tokyo. I guess that was a while ago now....I got kinda busy w/Comiket the next day & then right back to work. Nothing too crazy has been happeneing, I'm sure it's just the cold weather that makes me think I'm exhausted all the time. I was trying to be strong against the cold this year by doing things like not using the heater until Dec. 1st (fail) get out my winter clothes in stages (partial fail) & keep the doors off my room till Jan. 1st (epic fail). The heat & the doors both came last weekend, & while I've been slowly working the clothes in & out of boxes it's more out of laziness than actually not needing them. (I know there's a real word for that somewhere....non-need.....)

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I forgot how to talk the other day. Like, I couldn't string words together that made sense. I thought it was just my Japanese was lapsing at first, from too much practice without actual study, but then I noticed it was happening in English too. We sometimes like to blame this on disuse (non-need?) due to living in a non-English speaking country, but.....I didn't think that was it. I tried to explain it to a couple of friends in the car later that week, but they didn't get it. Probably b/c I couldn't say it right.

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There's a girl at my office who said some really mean things about cosplayers the other day. I'd like to think she didn't know how insulting she was being b/c I don't think she's very smart. But maybe I'm wrong. I'd also like to think that I'm smart enough to not be upset by it, but.....well, it's not like it's a new feeling.

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....this is how she might look when she's a bit older...maybe...less with the wanting to be innocent face....

There's another girl who was asking me a lot of weird questions about myself the other day, under the pretext that she, "just doesn't know very much about me." I didn't like it. It wasn't like I had anything to hide, I answered. It was just weird. And when, in the process of explaining I-can't-remember-what, I told her, "well if you think people are going to be mean to you you tend to be kinda quiet." a few things started to make sense again.

Things that you're able to remember don't necessarily bring happiness...