Blaise Marez

Name: Blaise Marez

Age: 21

Hair color: Was light brown now is pink

Eye color: Has heterochromia. Left: dark blue Right: pale blue

Height: 17o cm

Birth: February 11th

-Mother: Brigitte, disappeared when he was young.
-Father: Botho, 60 years old
-Bruno: Younger brother, 17 years old.

Personality: His primary mood is being a happy and hyperactive guy who loves to tease people and is very caring towards others; he is passionate for his work and because of this he always takes anything related to it in the most serious way.

He suffers from BPD (Borderline Personality Disorder) and this causes him to have mood swings (sometimes caused by something or sometimes without a cause) that last some hours as maximum (except for the longest one he had that lasted 1 week). His condition makes him see things as bad or good and for that reason he has a lot of problems trusting people; if you make any tiny mistake he will hate you or lose any trust in you forever.

He is the type of person who doesn’t like to be left alone for long periods of time; if he feels insecure, not useful or not loved he will harm himself unconsciously or to attract attention. If you manage to accept him, you will see he loves to give and receive love just like a small child; he sometimes looks younger than he is, that is until he gets serious of course; apart from that he loves to be caressed.

Story: Blaise was raised as a normal boy in a normal family along with his mother Brigitte, his father Botho and his little brother Bruno; however at the age of 8 his mother suddenly abandoned the family leaving Botho in charge of the two boys and making he become an overprotecting father, specially towards Blaise.

At first the overprotecting was good until Botho began to notice his older son wasn’t normal at all; his way of protecting him became extreme (meaning with that he treated him as if he wasn’t capable of anything) and hurt Blaise in several ways (physical and psychological) with the final result of Blaise hating him after long fights and noticing his younger brother was treated differently.

When he was able to attend college he thought he would finally get rid of his family but his father kept protecting him and sent him to the college he chose; some years later Blaise was tired of the decision and decided to change college; that’s when he met Leverett. Botho knew Leverett’s father because they studied in the same place; however they differed in the way of doing things so they never talked again; that time he had received Leverett because he needed advice and at the end of the conversation something happened. Leverett managed to convince Botho to let his son change of college to the one he was going to attend in exchange of him protecting him; that way both of them won.

Blaise thought Leverett was going to be the same way as his father but just few weeks were enough for Lev to prove him the contrary; since they shared a room and were studying the same, they became close friends and managed to deal with the other’s strange traits. When Leverett was expelled and disappeared without telling him anything Blaise was devastated, he thought he had been betrayed by the only person he truly trusted and so he tried to commit suicide, after seeing it wasn’t working he had an internal fight over the passion he had for his career and his relationships and somehow he managed to put his career first and finished it.

He met again with Leverett some months after he disappeared and after his longest mood swing he finally began to trust his friend again. Blaise is currently working driving a hearse car and other works at a funeral parlor.

Quote: Dying is easy, it's living that scares me to death….
