WIP and Doodles

My sister said she liked this sketch I posted a couple days ago. I told her I'd try to finish it. (This picture was giving me really weird vibes, though, and inking it felt very awkward! Idk why. .____.) But yeah, here's what I've got so far. Sorry for the non-scanned picture. I don't feel like putting stuff into the scanner. :V SO MUCH WORK!
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Gabe is so bendy. Idk.

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I decided to draw Stefan's Boss again! :V You may not remember her. I only mentioned her once. I drew her 'cause I've been wanting to draw Tomato and Stefan when they used to live in New York... and this lady was present. I haven't gotten around to any comics, yet, though. xD;
I still don't have a name for her, but I'm leaning toward something like Taylor Rose.

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Trying to figure out soft shading on SAI. I've figured something out that makes at least somewhat more sense to me, so maybe I'll get better if I keep trying! :V But idk.

REALLY LAZY-TONED POST BECAUSE... idk, I'm sleepy or something. Thanks for reading, if you did! I'm going to take a break from computer-ing, now.
