And you cheeks go whoa!

Hello peoples! Well, Im getting over the sickness now but I might get sick again shortly. I'll explain later in the post. Anyway, today I finally got a chance to get out of the house and go have some fun.

I went to the beach today and what they call the boardwalk. (Some may not know what that is). And wow! Okay, so I go went with my friend Cody. He's pretty cool. The first thing I did when I got there was went to go see my Jesse at her place of employment. She was so thrilled! And in return, well not really, but there was a feeling of extreme happiness, but I too, was thrilled to see her. I havent seen her in like two monthes. It was a little awkward at first because we were so romantic I'd say. However I couldnt just stand there while she worked and talked so I left every now and then and went to "exploring". Her manager I think came close to kicking me out. I just have a few words for him.... YOU'LL NEVER UNDERSTAND! Oh and by the way it started to poor and I wanted to go play in the rain but Jesse wouldn't let me. But it stopped in no time. Then, I went onto the beach. The waves weren't too bad for a change. Something you might find interesting enough....I was wearing know that cover your legs. I tried rolling them up but I failed. I went down to where the waves crashed upon the shoreline and tested my strength...and balance...because Im training to become a ninja. (Aren't we all?)

The force of the waves crashing into me was not match. I easily outbeated the power of poseidon...for the most part. It was a challenge keeping my feet still and not moving a muscle but I succeded I'd say....85% of the time. I'm so cool. But thats why i might get sick again. I dont know, strange things happen.

So thats what I did on the beach. I made the occasional visit to see Jesse. She also wouldnt let me buy her anything. I was gonna get her a purple Uglydoll but noooo. But maybe it was for the best in the long of right now. (kinda of a long story)

At this time she had an hour left before she got off work. Her dad, who I have not met yet, was to pick her up. I was gonna try to meet him tonight but again, there'll be a better time sometime really soon. So I kept my distance but watched....and waited. I just wanted to see what I was up against when I finally do meet him. I finally seen him waiting and he seen me. But he didn't know it was me. And then she went home. :(

Now, let me tell you about the funnest ride ever. I went to a place called Funland. They have this thing called Gravitron. You go inside of it and theres all these pretty flashing lights. You lean up against a red mat so to say and then WHEEEEEE! The thing starts to spin faster and faster and the air pressure decreases ... I think. And then you are like glued to the mat and you can put your body in any position...mostly... and it will stay like that. And your cheeks are like...WHOAAA! I went on it twice in a row. It only lasts 2 minutes. I could do it all day. Jesse couldnt believe it when I told her I never went on it. She too, loves it. One day, we'll have to go on together!

*Happy sigh* She is amazing. I dont know how I got so lucky. I wouldnt trade her for anything.I wouldnt leave her for anything. Unless she wanted me to. Whatever makes her happy, I'll be happy. But I don't see anything happening like that....ever.

Just something I made> it doesn't have anything to do with this post.
