ONE question.
ONE chance.
ONE honest answer

That's all you get.
Respond even if you're not tagged
You get to ask me ONE question.
Write it to my inbox or comment on this post.
Any question and I have to promise to answer them truthfully.

No catch.
But I dare you to re-post this and see what people ask you...
Bet you won't do it.

The Death of Today.

Why does today have to die? Great, now my tears are building up...seriously.
Anyway, it goes without any doubt, that today, was the greatest day in my life. I know more will come like this and will be even better but Im just going to reflect on today for now. I have never in my life spent pretty much the whole day with someone who I truly care about and means everything to me and who I really love....until today. This is not one of your typical tragic teenage romances. This is something more. I seriously never said I love you to someone and really felt like I meant it. But when I say it to her, I feel so....true to myself...and to her. Its the greatest feeling in the world. By the way, Im speaking of my flawless girlfriend, Jessie, for those are a wee bit slow. :)

Anyway, Im not writing this post to explain how my day went and the things I did...Im writing this to vent some sadness. It seems like writing is somewhat a cure to me....whether others read this or not plays very little role.
Lovely, I feel like writing some poetry now.

To think the day has died now, brings much sorrow to me. Not just because of how my day went, but because now I wont see her for nearly a week. It drives me crazy and saddens me...but at least she'll be having fun. As long as shes happy, Im happy. Thats all I live for now.

I wish I was going to Otakon. I believe I said why I cant go a few posts back.
I need to find deliverance from this place. I've had enough.

Two Birds.

Okay, maybe by now, some of you have read the first part to a story Im writing: Shores of Edlyn. If not, shame on you! Anyway, whilst I continue on with that story, I will be working on another one. This one I've had in mind for quite some time now and will be intense. That's all I'll say for now about it. It will be quite a challenge to write this one, but I'll do it. And blah.

Yeah I kinda got bored all of the sudden and thinking about some things, so I made this post.

"Some day, I'll see a shining sky."

"In the end, they are the ones who are to blame."

"Right from the day I was born, my life became a disaster."

"I must fight for myself, with my own talent, to complete this life of mine."

"This is my secret, and no matter what ending I face, it will be the death of me."


I wonder...... does Lawliet sound like a french name?

If so, this brings alot more questions to mind.

Exclamation point.

I wish I could draw..then I would be able to contribute to theO alot more. My talent lies within writing...which Im fine with.
I could make some cards though and wallpapers. But as Ive said so many other times before...I cant seem to get the filesize down.