"Guys. Guys.. uuuhh.. wrong Char.."

Hello. o.o
My name is, A******.
Nice to meet you all.

Right into it, then.

I have bass practice starting tomorrow!
I'm a bit excited, and actually really nervous.
My friend's going to start teaching me.
The reason I'm nervous is because he's teaching me so I can take part in his band.
I'm not good, and I still have a lot to learn, but he says I'm the only guy he knows who is actually interested in learning bass.
So, we'll see how it all goes.
I'm hoping it'll be a lot of fun.
And they are excellent players, he and his band.
Just hope I can make the cut.

Other business.
Funny business.
I was takin' a break, playing Gundam online.
Ran into these funny dudes, decided to play a few missions with them.
Main guy chooses a mission in which our opponent is Char.
Guess who chose Char as his character..
Me, oddly enough.
I'm glad friendly fire does not exist in that game.
I'd have been shot down a hundred times.
It was funny. We'd split up, take down our respective foes, Char comes out, and the guys would all be flying towards me, swingin'.
I mean, it's not really all that hard to differentiate the enemies from the team.
But, I guess when you're in the heat of battle and all you're really lookin' for is CHAR above a Gundam's head, it really doesn't matter.
It was a good session, tho.
Good session, indeed.

Days seem to be lookin' up.
The weather and everything else.
Can't help but be in a good mood.
So, with all that done, I guess I'll go enjoy the night as well.
It's still really nice out.
Have a pleasant evening everyone.
