HI. i'm back..

YES. yes.
i had way too much life junk goin' on.
lotta bull.
at least i don't come back empty handed.
i have two pieces of work that i'd like to put up.
one is a drawing of the cutest little girl.
rin from usagi drop!
love her, and i loved that manga and anime.
so, i'll get that up as soon as i find out how to upload fan art.
i also have a video, very short video.
the small little intro of "moon on the water" from beck.
awesome anime, and that song is my most favorite. EVER.
so, yes.
that'll be attached to the end of this post.
keep in mind.
it's not that good, and i'm still practicing.
so, please bear with the obvious mistakes.

other than all that.
i've got work at, like..
midnight tonight.
and i had work last night, too.
so, i really should be asleep right now.
red bull has the best of me, though.
not enough red bull.
it's an addiction, i swear.
while i go grab me a hammer, and cover my head with pillows, everyone just enjoy the rest of their day.
if you don't mind.
if no enjoy.
then, be angry for me too.

alright, bye everyone.
aru, absentee extraordinaire.
