sarcasm. surprise surprise.

havin' fun here at wind cave national park in south dakota.
my friend works here and he invited my other friend and i to stay for a while.
been here since monday, and it's been hella fun.
it's like i've, my friend said this, "become a social butterfly".
weird, and a bit creepy way to put it. you had to have heard him say it. ._.
and by that, i mean i've become a bit active, and a lot more social.
breakin' from the shy, quiet, ol' person.
met two cool guys, howard and alaska (wonder where he's from), and a bunch of other cool people.
it was a good week, until alaska had to go back to alaska. mufufufu.
so, yeah. that sucked.
well, we got to meet at least, is all i've gotta say.

lot of stuff went on, and i got a few pictures.

i've had a few complaints, and i have to stay with a guy that i hate with all my being.
but, hey.
the fun times heavily outweigh that little fuck.
sorry for the language, but i hate that little..

at the moment, we're watching insidious.
so, i'll have to update more later.
"the music for insidious is brought to you by these two guys. they'll be throwing pianos and violins down stairs for your suspense."
that's what the "suspenseful" more like annoying music sounds like to me.
"scary" part = dude smashing a violin onto the keys of a piano.
also, not very sarcastic, save for the last part.
