
Been a while.

Dude, I'm currently looking for a Gameboy Advance SP handheld.
I can't believe people are still trying to get over a hundred bucks for the thing!
I mean, I'm pretty sure Nintendo reduced the retail value to seventy or eighty!
Who would buy/sell it for anything more?!
I understand that it's "retro", but come on.
I refuse to buy it for such a ridiculous price.
'specially if it's just one of the original ones and not one of the limited edition ones.
A simple Onyx SP. Not a freakin' NES one.

My apologies.
I just needed to unleash the nerd rage that's been building up.

So.. yeah.
It's been a couple months, maybe?
You know what's gone on in that time?!
A lot, actually.
So much, in fact, that I can't really remember. D:
I've watched so much anime that I kinda lost my touch with reality.
I haven't even seen my friends in a long time, either. xD
Man, talk about shut-in.
I'm pretty sure I've made plans with the whole moving thing again.
Made 'em, but I haven't been counting on 'em.
Since anything I set my hopes on gets destroyed by my new scapegoat.
Lady Fate.
Such a cruel mistress.
I need something, or someone, in this case, to blame.

And as of now. What I thought was a good morning..
May just be ruined.
I've been at odds with my ex, and I've been walking on eggshells with her.
I'm no fan of conflict..
And I'd much rather sit quietly in my own little world than have to deal with someone angry at me..
But, I guess that doesn't stop her from trying to get mad at me for every little thing.
I was raging and talking to my friend on Facebook, and she decided to join in.
It's always fun, y'know, just talking.
Catching up, since we haven't seriously had any communication with each other for what has to be a few years.
Then a friend of mine, though she is a good friend, joins in.
And, if the "she" didn't make it clear enough, she happens to be female.
My ex will no doubt start trying to be pissed with me.
She has a problem, for some ungodly reason, with me being friends with girls online.
She can't say it's just me not making irl friends, 'cause she sure don't get mad when I talk to my two online buds, or add any other of my online buds.
I just like talking to people sometimes.
And, it's always interesting talking to new people, since everyone here is so transparent.
I like to talk to people about similar interests, and not talking about "that time this dude got so drunk at this party 'cause it seems the only thing that's cool to do around this place is get drunk".
That's supposedly out of the question, though.
It doesn't stop me from talking to people online, of course.
But, it is just an annoyance to have to put up with someone getting mad at me for it.
It's not my fault that I happen to share interests with some females..

Unfortunately, I don't have an excusable conclusion to this post.
I vented.
I'm good now.
I just wanna go to bed.
Goodnight to you night owls.
And good morning to you early birds.
