
OMG XD i stayed up and watched anime to night XD it was amazing!~♥ lol and i got to hear ulquiorra's english voice!~♥ XD its not really what i imagined it to be..... but i get that allot like with shinji's voice at first but i think that i like it better now XD and i dont have that much of a problem with ulqui's voice.... its just not as..... deep as i thout it would be.... i mean its good and all..... but i think it should have been a little bit deeper... yet not as deep as in the bleach game XD maybe its only because im so used to that voice XD but any way the point it i think i like it XD and i squeed so much XD but i had to try not to being that i didnt want to miss any of the seynes XD god it was so awesome!!! lol (now i am used to ulqui's voice btw XD)

code geass was good too XD wow i was shocked at what lelouch told suzaku XD

god there was this thing for cinco de mayo today across the street..... and they played really anoying music.... not so much the music as the base.... something about base makes me go crazy XD i hate it so much!!! lol it made me have a head ache..... but i did start some random line art today XD i think i like how the hand is coming out.... for once XD i hope it's any good but being that i lack a good skin color pencil..... its going to be hard to work with XD

god i think i need to hear his voice again... its not sticking in my mind XD it makes me sad lol i want to hear him talk more!!! but i guess im just going to have to wait until my birthday.... oh what a great birthday that will be XD god he is so sexy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol what a way to end ulqui month huh? XD
