
*sigh*......so for the past few days my world has been so quiet (other than the time im on my computer...) but thats only because i lost another mp3 player to the cold hands of fate........I MISS SAM!!!! (my mp3 player.....he was to young to die!!!!.......And so now i have to walk down the street and listen to the soft rustle of leaves on the rode as they get moved by the wind........A sound that get old very quick.......but i sopose i should be greatful for thie sounds.......because once winter comes there wont be much sound anymore.......but at the same time, I have more time to draw being that im not downloading shit like crazy.....all thoes songs.......god i have a whole shit load of homework too........+ i cant go to sarah-cans house or do Dilly's because they both are gone......so i guess im going to pull a all nighter....... listen to music, draw, talk to what little friends i have, and do homework.........(god i think i might be in a depressed mood....If so then i dont no why that would be)......I have a docterr's apointment too.......and my Dad is comming up from long island....... I dont really like my dad......... but then again i do like him better than my mom so i guess thats saying something........hmmmmmm what else.......O i got my agenda book back!!!! so now i can have a life and go places durring study hall.......and i joined the libary squad......its a thing where you help out the little kids with taking out books, organizing books, but the real reason i wanted to join is because i wanted to go on the feild trip at the end of the year........They take you to barns and nobles and give us money to buy books for the libary.....Im gunna get a whole shiz load of mangas so the the future generatons can no of the greatness that is manga....im gunna get death note, bleach, inuyasha, bousorenkin , and some other stuff i 4got....yeah......
