lol the movie was great last night. i loved it. we talked to random people before the movie started. it was fun. sarah found another light fan..... it was great to. there was a preview with death note and first people cheared cuz it was death note. then the light fans went off when they saw him. i was like "show L!! go L!!" and that got other people started chanting for L. then they showed him and i screamed soooo loud with every one else blocking out the light fans XD. it had to be the loudest movie ever!!! people would scream for like every character they like. ichigo went banki "yeaaaaaaah!!! wooooo" byakuya came in "I LOVE YOU!!" and then when feather dude came in i screamed the loudest out of any one. same with baldy lol. there was a part where some one cut kenny and every one was like "ohhhhhhhhh" lol the best part was that they all knew why it was a big every time toshiro came on i was like "boooooooo!" over every ones yays lol. there was a part where they showed all the captions and every one was screaming for the ones the liked. then they showed the old dude and there was no noiser what so ever. even in the movie lol. at the end people screamed. then christy put her soul reaper light on the cealing and then someone else had the same one and the messed with them. that lead to talking to some random people. the one girl was like "why dont you like toshiro?!" and i said that he makes me go balemick lol. and in front of the poseter for the movie sarah put her renji plushy with the other peoples. lol i felt left out cuz i couldnt bring l and he is from death note. i even had a scream figt with a girl over him. i was like "hes mine i sleep with him every night" lol then some dude yelled at us and we had to go. i gave my e-mail to a girl names kye. lol she said that we could split sessy in half and i said that i wanted the bottom half XD i never had so much fun. it was great seeing so many anime likeing ppl in one place. lol i want to go to another movie now lol. anime movies are the best in thetere! if i forgot anything ill add it later or it may be in sarah's post lol
