
so i just got back from hopes house last night. we had so much fun. we hung out with Cody like every day. but then again we also made her mom mad every day....but o well....Cody was funny. he kept spinning little kids of the turning thing.one kid was like flying off the thing while hanging on for dear life. then he fell and cried..it was funny XD then a whole bunch more of them fell off. but then the next time he did it he made some girl cry and the mother yelled at him. lol. he made fun of her like all day after XD we wanted to swim in the river but at the same time i didn't want hope's mom to get mad at her again.....she gets mad allot lol. then i went home yesterday. Cody was going to pick me up at 12 last night but never came.but its not the first time he did it. god.....lol we were on the phone and he said he found a condom in his brothers back pocket. lol it was funny. then he was getting changed and he was like "I'm officially naked" lol i laughed so hard XD then he said he would call me back and never did....once again, its not the first time.........o and I'm getting a debt card with money on it from my dad too. I'm going to buy so much stuff on line now. the first thing is going to be the Ulquiorra plushy. then.....some mangas i think....i don't no tho....well see....or pocky......lol....o and I'm trying to get to Sarah-san's house. and i need to cool off too. its so hot lol. o and theres only 5 more days lol. yay!!! ill tell you what it is on the 11th lol or maybe even the 12 if its like in the morning at some time XD
