2 more days XD

weeeee 2 days left! XD this month i might be busy on drawing allot. im going to try not to slack while drawing for once. lol if i do that then i might be able to get one or 2 done in a week. or close to it. but noing me i WILL slack off....but ill try to cut back XD. ill be happy just to draw aizen in time for his birthday XD. i would have started drawing tonight but i didn't have any of my stuff.....i think im going to save up for a scanner of my own. i need it bad XD. and ink for my printer lol i havnt had that in a long time either lol. after the pic for my friend i think i might draw soifon or maybe gin for sarah.then aizen sama.....lol i can't wait untill summer! i can draw so much then being that i don't have any homework (unless im at sarah's house that is lol we would be messing around to much to do so) but then again i hate the summer...to hot and sunny for the fair skin, you know?.....lol well any way im rambling now aren't I? blah blah blah yade yade yada lol well any way by by now ppl
