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Konnichiwa/Konbanwa people. Im Amber and Im 14(now 17) years old XD. lol well any way....my top 5 sexyie's are Ulquiorra Schiffer (bleach), L (death note), Sesshomaru (Inuyasha), Rolo (Code Geass), and Viral (Gurren Lagann)....im pretty random at times so...yeah just a warning you....oh and im trying to learn Japanese with rosettastone.... so thats a work in progress


*Ichimaru smile*

omg today was the best day EVER!!!!!! or at least in a long time...... one was that it turns out that i do have a class with dilly and he is trying to get to 1st period Spanish to be with me.....the other part has about a 1% chance of happening but....... If it does than i will never be truly sad again!!!!!! its something most of you wont under stand.....i no Sarah would but still she wont get it fully.......I think im the only person who could ever understand it even close to fully....... I wonder if she could guess ......................................but what it is, is that Seaman might be coming back.........too bad you dont no who that is...............im to happy and hyper to type but o well........... my fried meg. said that he might come back.......i asked how she knew that and she said her mom and his mom are friends.............. then i asked her if she could convince his mom to bring him back......idk sarah can explain more probably.........

1st day of school

so...... today was the first day of school..... me and Dilly got a bus seat together. but it sux that i have spanish as my home room......i dont wanna learn spanish lol i want to learn japanese!!!! XD my friend Cristy is going to let me ust her japanese dictionary.....yay.......but school was boring and my head hurts now.....or i would be writhing more..... o-well XD o and i got a huge test on the first day.....it sux....


well work sucked today.......it was 2 hrs worth of dishes....... then on Sunday it might be 4 and then on Monday i'm off.....YAY!!!!! Cody's (I call Cody Dilly so if that ever comes up in a post u no who it is...) twin brother is up........ they got in a fight last night....it was kinda bad-ish......but Dilly said its nothing compared to how they normally fight...... I think the Russian girls are back...... and i hope not cuz if they are than i'm going to get ditched by both Cory and Dilly........and Westley....... lol i hate that so bad.......... i want the Russian girls to die......lol i hope that dosen't make me a bad person.......but its true either way XD my little brother is back now........ His name is Dakota for thoes who don't no..... he went to long island for the summer.....o and my dad is up for a while too.......well thats it i guess........ bye bye *waves like Gin*


lol yay i love my mp3 player..... sarah-san cant get all the ones she wants.......and im trying to figure out how to send them....ummmmm i think i need ur e-mail sarah-san......... ummmmm what else.........o welll i for got XD im a lil hyper......o and i started to draw soifon........ so i might have a new pic soon.....yay me......i think....XD

hi ppl!!!

yo.....well i got some more death note shirts from hottopic....and a whole shit load of stuff from ct.......their having a sale next week lol yay.......o and i got a new mp3 cuz mine broke....but i still need to find apollo's bleach beat songs.......i cant find them for the life of me....... if you could help me that would be awesomeness lol......well any way....i gtg to work soon-ish so i need to go..... by by