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Konnichiwa/Konbanwa people. Im Amber and Im 14(now 17) years old XD. lol well any way....my top 5 sexyie's are Ulquiorra Schiffer (bleach), L (death note), Sesshomaru (Inuyasha), Rolo (Code Geass), and Viral (Gurren Lagann)....im pretty random at times so...yeah just a warning you....oh and im trying to learn Japanese with rosettastone.... so thats a work in progress



OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the bleach chapter was the phucking best!!! OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i dont want to ruin any thing ...... HA so i wont! omg Halibel is 3rd, the old dude is 2nt and Stark is the 1st espada!!!!!!!!!!!!! i FUCKING knew it!!!!! TOLD YOU ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and OMG ULQUIORRA!!!!! i want to see him fight..... BUT I FUCKING SWEAR!!!!!!!!! IF ICHIGO IS SOME HOW ABLE TO KILL HIM......... THERE WILL BE HELL ON THIS EARTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and then ill cry .....but i love halibel's hollow mask..... and of corse her number is on her boob..... and stark/'s is one his hand.... no wonder he wore gloves...... I HOPE ICHIGO DIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EVEN BEFORE THE INEVITABLE HAPPENS....


hmmmm well i didn't go to school today.....1 i didn't feel good and 2 i got up at like 7:30 and i couldn't take a shower.......i need to finish the rest of my outline too......o and i have been reading a book sires called maximum ride..... its REALLY good.... and now its a manga in a magazine called Yen+.....I love it..... its about these kids who are half bird half human because of getting experimented on a baby's..... then they escaped and a man named Jeb cares for them until one day he disappears.......then one of there flock members gets caught but a thing called an eraser, or another experiment like them only with wolf genes and not bird...... yeah its great.....my fave. is Fang ......I'm on the 2nd book out of 4 with the 5th one coming out on march 16th.....hmmmm what else.....Christmas is coming.......so.....cant wait for that....and....... o i went to Cristy's house over the weekend....we had fun. we read manga, watched the meteor shower, and played the Wii.....hmmmm what else........i guess that's it....I'm still trying to get Soi Fon up since October but still no luck w/ that one........


OMG! i watched the newest English episode of code geass! it was so sad! i love rolo now!!!!! lol o and i need to post about this vacation we just had from school.......well at first it was boring.... theni went and got a wii and bleach the shattered blade and smash brothers brawl........i didnt play the bleach game until i got to sarah's house.....but it was awesome! i love it so much......we were trying to get ulquiorra after Gin but we didnt...i just unlocked him last night......then sarah was playing and every god dam battle, she made a song! and they always had to lead to "caption battle" lol......o and we made a whole bunch of mii's theres ichigo, gin, ulquiorra, Hanatarou, a pimp dude, ishan, ichigo's sisters, ikaku, me, her, and a whole bunch i cant remember right now..... but we made this old lady and every time she came up in baseball we would say "I used to young" and then we made ummmmm lutenet of the 8th squad...i think..... and her saying was time is of the essance......god all this makes me see how dumb we really are.......and....o i went to the mall with jim to get sarah some X-mas stuff (she wasent there and that was odd) but we went to a barns and nobles and got some coffee. there was a guy and i told jim that he had to be a butt pirite.....he was like "maybe". then we got up there and he taklked to us and he was like "yeah i think your right" XD pudding packer..... lol....idk ud have to be there......o and also when i was at sarah-san's house.....I stayed up for 38 and a half hours XD it was fun.......yeah i think thats it...........

OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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ok im going to try this again....

lol i just tried posting and my whole computer just froze or some thing XD well any way as i was saying....my Rosetta stone might be coming in the mail tomorrow....(cursed Sundays) (and that was where it phucked up....sorry god for disgracing the holy day) so any way....im going to see if i can bring my computer home....if i can then it might be a little while before i get internet there so.......o and i decided to draw Izuru Kira......but it sux that i still don't have Soi Fon up.......i hope to get him done soon tho.....ill probably procrastinate for days but i want to get him done before the month's end...speaking of which, what is today?.....o its onlt the 16th....i should have started Kenny then for his b-day......i thought it passed by now....o-well......hmmm well i guess that's it....o wait no its not! i went to the mall like last week...i got a death note calendar, a death note blanket, the newest bleach manga, bleach memories of nobody, and ummm...o and my Sesshomaru plushy! it was funny tho.....when i got home my mom was like "why didn't you get the Wii while we were there?" IT WAS SO NOT FAIR!!!!!! IF I HAD KNOWN SHE WOULD HAVE GOTTEN ME IT THEN. THEN I WOULD HAVE GOTTEN IT!!!!!! lol god!....o well....i guess its good that i didnt have to pay for the other stuff i got.......but my aunt has off for like 9 days and we might go sometime then.....so this time ill grasp at the opertunaty.....lol yay!!! then i can finally get bleach the shattered blade! lol ill love it!