Angel Cats Chapter 2

Note: keep in mind that i make up this story on the fly...oh! and for future warning, this may turn out to be a yaoi(i have no idea how i will pull that off)

The afternoon bell rang through out the school as the clatter of chairs and roar of talking fills the air. I sit in my seat for an extra minute, staring out the window at nothing in particular. Then, i collect my things and walk out the door, only to be fallowed by the silence of whispers and eviul glares from behind me. I've been in Lyko for a year now but it seems as tho people just can't stop talking about me. I smile slitly at the absurd thought.

As i walk out the main doors to the school --Smash-- i hit something dead on! Shocked, i look down to see Amber on the ground saying "ow ow ow ow" over and over agin under her breath. "Oh, I-I'm sorry," i say and offer my handmy ring glinting in the sun.

And as soon as i say those words, Amber shoots her head but to look at me with wide deer-in-the-headlights eyes as her cheeks burn deep red and her hands fly up to cover the mess of redness. "OH NO! My fault! Run now!" She said in a jumbled mess and ran for the school wall. I watch her retreating figure and raise my eyebrow. um...okayy. What...just happened? I ask myself. i sigh. Something strange i'm sure.

I walk through the wall as well.I'm halfway down the street when--


Heh...oh shit! I don't even look behind myself. I just take off running!


I stop in front of my appartment building in a tierd slump. After running like a bat outta hell from the hoard of mangy felines, i finally lost them when i ran through the "Dog Yard"- a place where dogs form gangs. The dogs in the yard don't pay me any mind but they give me a respect of some sort. I catch my breath finally and open the door to the building.

I walk up the stairs after noding my head in respect to Mr. Feegle (yes that's his real name)- a college teacher- only to be ignored and glared at as i walk up to my room.

I stop at the old wooden door with the numbers 626 on the front and sigh, placing my hand on the knob. I begin to turn the door knob when i feel a little tug on my pants leg. Cought off gaurd, i look down.

There, right next to my heavy black combat boots, is a cat. It's fur was orangeish yellow and ragged with mud webbed into it. On it's tale was a piece of ripped cloth with the letters S.K wriiten in sharpie marker. The right ear was pierced with two studs and a silver ring. The eye was a deep green and the other had a eyepatch over it. What a strange cat, I thought. I felt pitty for this cat and...a connection of some sort. Somehow... i didn't feel as much hate for this cat as i do for the others. I looked at the doorknob and then down at the cat. Damnit! I know i'm going to regret this...Damnit!

I sigh and pick the cat up as it gives a little "mew" as if startled(if a cat could ever sound that way) and open the door to my apartment. My apartment wasn't anything special. A small kitchen big enough for a fridge, sink, stove, microwave, and two cabinets. A couch in the living room(although it's too small to be called that) and a small table with a small cheap TV. A tiny bathroom. A bedroom that was little more than a large closet with a bed, a small desk, and mini closet that opens out onto a mini balcony. It was the cheapest apartment i could find, although i wann't the one paying for it. My family(if i could even call them that save sweet grandmother Veecee) are paying for my apartment but they don't pay for my food in which i have a job to pay for that.

I sit the cat down on the couch and go into the fridge to retrive two little sushi salmon rolls that were left over from last night and put them on a plate. Next i went into the bathroom and wet a face towel. I go into the living room where the cat is still sitting and put the plate on the table. Right when it saw the salmon rolls, the cat drooled. I laughed a little bit and started to clean the poor cat's fur as it ate. I'm not used to cleaning cats but i'd say i had gotten most of the thing clean before it licked my hand in a "thanks" i guess and jumped from the couch and went over to the door. I opened it and the cat ran before i could even blink. Stupid, selfish creatures, I thought as i went into my bedroom.

I removed my school jacket and shirt because they got muddy when i ran through the Dog Yard and took off my boots. I sat on my bed in the dark and looked out the balcony at the night sky. The stars only reminded me of cat eyes so i closed my own and lay down on my black conforter. And as soon as my head hit the pillow, i was asleep. And what did I dream of? I drept of cats of course because i've never drept of anything else my entire life. But i drempt of that one in particular...the one i felt a connection to.


Well, i hope you enjoyed chap. 2 of Angle Cats and i appolagize it took so long. Like i said. I make up this stuff on the fly so i needed to think of this a lil before i wrote it. Stay tuned for Chapter 3!!XD
