Ninja Batman Chase!!!(aka what me and my friends did today!)

ok so. This is what we did today! Um yeah, so there's this hour at school which is like a free period. So me, L, Micky,A.B were all bored so we're sitting on the steps next to the football frield. L i on my right and Micky is on my left and A.B is next to her texting and ignoring us. And we're all in cosplay(yeas i got them to join me. haha! MINIONS!!) I was Sasuke with Micky's gigantic sweatshirt on(she's the tallest so it goes down to my knees), L was,well, L, Micky was Light(since she knows next to nothing about anime i let her barrow my cosplay), and A.B wasnted nothing to do with it. L is eating a King Sized Hershy bar that like pops outta nowhere, And Micky is eating a Nerds ROpe while leafing through the death note i lent her. I take the end of the rope and take half cuz i was hungry and Micky looks at me like What the hell. And i take it and eat it(* reminded of death note:And i'll take a patato chip*manic laugh* and EAT IT!!)
"Go get me more," She says and i know she's mad.
"No," i say
And...the next thing i know i'm runnning from a very rabid and very fast Micky/Light and she's threatening me to write my name in my death note. I was running real fast so the giant sweatshirt was flying back and A.B later said i looked like Batman. So this continued for about an 20 minutes before i tripped on a rather large rock and fall and Micky fall ontop of me. then A.B jumps onto Micky and then...L. L comes over to us very slowly and stares. And then...She climbs up onto A.B's back and sits on her like L does in death note. So....yeah it was pretty wacky!!!
