Here's the third Rant! eddittion of "Voice Actor Crisis!!"

okay, so i know i have made like...three post about voice actors, but here's the third!! OKAY!! ONE PIECE!! Zoro...what's with that??!! it's actually supposed to be "Zolo!" not ZORO!!! how stupid!! okay, and if anyone watching anime off of and has watched One Piece on there....WTFUCK happened to SANJI??!! go there...pick episode 20 and hear the absolute terror of which is NOT our beloved cooky!!!! RAWR!!! and the bad thing is!! i can't find all the episode of One Piece without there being like....half the series NOT available in dubs except on that site!!! Dub Happy had like...up to 50 BUT THAT"S NOT ENOUGH!! i swear i nearly fricken cried!!!it's that bad.... OH YEAH!! and srry for the delays on a bunch of stuff, i haven't had time for like....anything. and i'm sick!!
