
Hey every one! IT"S UR FAVORITE VAMPIRE!!!! yup, as the title say:I'm grounded. but let me tell you about my weekend because it was eventful.
*******************~~~~~~~~~~~~THIS WEEKEND!!~~~~~~~~~*************************
so this weekend was L's birthday!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY L!!! I LOVE YOU!!!! so i went over to L's house with A.B and Micky and we slept over. Now L lives in a pretty big house, bigger than mine, so she has a bit of them green dollors so she had a BIGGGGGGGG TVVVVVVV!!!!!0.0!!!!!
I meann seriously. If there was a contest to see whose TV was biggest, it would be L's!!! lol ironic, ne?
SO i get there and i ring the door bell. No one answers, so ring again and guess what happens??
L comes flying out of the second story window and lands on me. Apparently A.B and Micky were fighting again!AGAIN! and i'm totally not kidding you. So after i am fallen on, A.B and Micky run out of the front door and trample me, so i'm down again. After that we all go inside, me a little...flatened...and i give her her present, which was all the Death note manga and a picture of L that i drew for her, i would have scanned it but i didn't have the time.
So going back to the TV thing, we go into the living room (why do they call it that?? It's not the un-living room but why??what is living in that room?????!!!!) and watch Walker Texas Ranger because L loves Chick Noris and it was the one when the kids are kidnapped by Luciffer. A.B nearly jumped on me when they sacrficed the poor goat, she hates animal cruelty. Then we went downstairs and they were all freaked because of the creepy episode, and the door opens in the basment...some one is laughing outside...and they all SCREAM!!!!!!!!!!!!! But i wasn't afraid. I knew it was her brother. Dude loves to play trix on me....*sigh* *shakes head*. So i grab Chester (oh bTW! taht's the name for my baseball bat...i name everything...) and like jump outside! no one is there oviusly, but just to make it seem interesting, i yell and slamthe door and lock it.
L gives me a hug, Micky tries to seem as though she's not afraid ( i could see her shaking) and A.B just gets mad as hell and goes to attack L's Bro. Funny stuff!
So after that, we watched Seinfeld and they gave me one of the names. I am now Newman, L was Jery, Micky was the guy with the wierd hair, and A.B was George.LOLZ!!!!!!!
we did more stuff but i dun wanna bore you!
The next day, we play Naruto on her Wi and i win!!! i never played but i win!
and then.......'s the part where i get really depressed.
We went to the park and played baseball, because we were making fun of Twilight and we had on Cullen Baseball shirts just for laughs, Chester even got me a few homeruns....and then.
There are these big hills surrounding the park and i was standin at he top of one, and A.B trips and we rolls down the hill, me not knowing when my phone fell out of my pocket and then go back to the house. By the time i went back to the park because i noticed it was gone...some kids were there and ran into the woods, VERY suspious....
so i'm grounded cuz some kids stole my phone....LOVLEY!!!!!!

He's the only vamp i need!!!!^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
