anger problems?!

okay so last night, my stepfather got all pissed off at me because of PTC (parent teacher conference). I don't know what I did to make him mad, but he got mad at me nonetheless. So now I'm pissed off. I sat in my, not sat. Half layed down on the floor, holding a razor up to my wrist, crying, wondering if I could really do it. And I dropped the razor and started crying harder when I realized that I couldn't. So today, all day, I've been really pissed off at everyone for no reason. Honestly, I don't know what I'm going to do anymore. And my Kuro is mad at me for what I tried to do. And i'm typing all this really fast while I'm on edge. and I skipped lunch today. And I have an F in my technology class. And I'm trying to get my work done in class. and I am listening to "Toxic" by Spears. I have anger problems???
