Another Updateth

Yes, updateth. Sounds weird, I know. But I don't really care! HAHAHA! Okay, so. I saw Alice in Wonderland. I freaking loved it! It was soooooooo great! The only thing that I am having an issue with is that I can't figure out if I'm imagining things or if the Mad Hatter and Alice had something going on. Like, that they were falling for each other. It certainly seemed like it!!! Eh! It will keep bothering me until I figure it out. I may have to watch it over again. But it would seem that I might actually be a little right, cause I've seen fanart with them and wallpapers with them together...I don't know. I think I'm losing my mind. HAHA! We're all mad That ship has already sailed FAAAR away with me.

So I got most of my stuff back. My iPOD, Seizan, my stereo, I'm working on getting house internet privaleges back, and my phone, and jewelry. Yeah, me and Tyler are still engaged. I don't know how this really works, that me and him are engaged but not dating. Oh well, him and my best friend broke up, so...and he is single right now, so I'm content. Yeah, I talked to him about everything, and mentioned that I might need a reminder from him every now and again that he still loves me and is going to keep his promise, even if he must tell me in secret. He chuckled and said, "I'm going to just get a book of sticky notes and put them all over for you one of these days...I don't know how many times I have to tell you, you're stuck with me forever." I couldn't help but giggle.

I am really getting excited right now...I can't wait to put my videos onto my iPOD. Seizan will be so pleased. Teehee~!

Oh, I have been dressing kind of boyish lately. O.o I wore a white tank top with a dress t-shirt over top of it, one that is for a guy. And I wore a tie with it, and jeans...normal wristband...yeah. The only girliness about me right now is my makeup and my hair. Oh, and my chest. ;P LOL! AND! The fact that I don't have a cock. HA.

Me and my language....SHAME SHAME!!! I hope not very many people read these, because sometimes, I don't control my language, and I would be DEVASTATED if someone got offended...(actually doesn't care, but pretends to) Hense my almost never saying GOD anywhere. OH! I'VE SINNED!!! Nyeh...sorry. that was mean of me. (still kind of doesn't care, but tries to restrain self) I am sorry. Haha. I can't help it.

I live in a state full of religious people, and I'm NOT religious, so...sometimes it gets frustrating. I swear, as soon as me and Tyler DO marry, I'm getting Devin, and all three of us are MOVING OUT of this state. Somewhere that there aren't so many religious people all around us. I swear, where I live, they are around every corner, saying, "GOD LOVES YOU, YOU MUST COME TO MY CHURCH!!! JOIN US...JOIN US..." Okay, that was an exaggeration, but you get the point. I'm not religious and I would like to live somewhere that it isn't some kind of crime punishable by death to everyone around me. It gets kind of difficult having so many Mormon friends sometimes...

I've gone to church before, but...I just have no interest in it. Religion makes so many people so...ignorant. I mean, really...look past the bullshit, people...stop giving in so easily to a lie...nobody has even proven that God or Jesus or whatever whoever really existed, so come on...people need to question religion a little more. I mean really, how can someone believe that some average joe just randomly talked to God, and an angel who was a white native american, and then he could translate golden plates by looking in a dark hat with these weird looking stones in it? Yeah, no...I don't see it happening. (realizes that self is ranting and clears throat) Sorry. It gets on my nerves so much sometimes....

Anyway. This past Sunday was the two year anniversary of my Great Aunt's death. I've been kind of sad, but, I don't think anyone can tell. Except for Tyler, I think. He asked what was up the other day, but I lied and told him I was tired...he called bullshit on that, but I smiled and said, "Oh well...Maybe I'll tell you later."

I think he gave me a reminder this morning. Sort of. He held out this money thing, and said, "Can I buy you? Forever?"
" don't have to, Tyler."
"Oh, wait, so you're paying to have ME forever?"
" already own me...technically..."
"Oh..! YAY!" *smiles, hugs, and walks off*
ME:*just stands there for a moment looking completely lost*

Yeah, that was the dialogue between us this morning. It was amazing.

Oh, I'm practicing my calligraphy. You know, with Kanji and stuff. So far it looks pretty good, just as long as I stick to the correct stroke orders. Hehe...stroke orders...that sounds kinda dirty. LOL.

Anyway, I'm getting bored of typing here right now. I have several new poems and songs that I might post later if I feel like it and if I have the time. Bye bye for now.

