My life, thanks very much?

Okay, this update is because I informed a friend of mine who is in fact on here about my getting back together with my ex that I put a pic of on here...that person has made me angry again, and I don't care anymore what they think of what my happiness is or not. If they try to tell me one more thing about "life" like they are the guru of all that is to be known about life, I swear to Aisha that I will not hold back any of my opinions, be they rude or not. I don't care anymore, I truly don't. I'm sick of people trampling on my happiness. State of mind or not, I'm happy with this person because of how much they have changed over the past year, and how they treat me like a PERSON. They now like me for who I am, they don't WANT me to change or to hurt myself. They care for me a lot, and I appreciate that very much. They treat me like my feelings matter too, instead of shoving it back into my face and trampling all over my feelings like other people do. This person actually SHOWS true dedication to me, unlike boyfriends I have had in the past who thought other girls were sexy and would make obscene comments about those girls in front of me. Boyfriends who have proposed to me in the past always promised a ring, and never got one, then left me. Not this one. He got me the ring immediately, even including my birthstone in the gem area. He stays with me instead of going off with his friends even though I tell him that he is allowed to go with them. He would rather spend time with me than goof off with his buddies. None of my other boyfriends were like that. So if any of you are going to tell me I'm making a mistake, think before you say anything to me, because I have just about had ENOUGH of people putting down EVERYTHING I do. It's my life. Do NOT try to control it. This message goes mainly to that friend. As much as I LOVE being your friend, and as much as I would LOVE to stay close, if you can't let it be and you have to argue YOUR opinion into my opinion, then I suppose it is you who is truely not mature enough, and you need to grow up. Sorry, but it's true. Just because you're an adult now doesn't mean you know all there is to know. Please, for the sake of your sanity and my own, get your damn head out of your ass.

shaggy dog...

Hehe, so last night, Tsumi asked oka-san to cut her bangs a little for her. I made certain that she only cut them short enought to still cover my eyes and the bridge of my nose. I wear my hair like that now. In my face. Hehehe! I was called shaggy dog this morning, and honestly, I couldn't give a flying fuck what everyone else thinks of my hair. Heh. So anyway, that's a really fast thing to share. And I may be dying my hair black soon. O_o

Hoooooly library!

Okay, so lately, other than during my free time at school, I have had to wait until trips to the library to update things. It's RIDICUOUS. But, at the same time, it's so funny. I spend more time here than at home now. And I'm okay with it. It gives me something fun to do instead of just sitting at home watching Amityville Horror and getting scared crapless. Haha. I'm a wimp. But anyway. Just letting everyone know. I'm not sure how often I will continue to get on here. There is so much to be done at school, and I must succeed. For my own sake. I need to be successful! But yeah. Anyway. I guess I better go. I have some book browsing I need to do. I must study some things for my Japanese class. Bye bye.


He's gone. My ex fiance, with whom I became close to even after the engagement fell through, has moved. At very least, yes, he came in the morning just so I could say my goodbyes and get one last hug,'s not good enough. It's not fair. I didn't want this to happen. I wanted him to stay here. But no. Forget it now. He's gone, and I'm tired of it. All of it.

Have you ever noticed how sometimes that frightening pocket knife sitting in front of you has looked friendly to the wrist? That's what I'm noticing now.


Okay. I'm an idiot. I know it. Because I got back together with my ex fiance from SLC that had dumped me. Oh. My. Gosh. How stupid can I get? Jeez. Roido-kun is right. EVERYONE is right. i DO just jump from guy to guy. Ugh. Whatever. I have a new post on my randomness site. Tis about my new passion. And art. Hehe. Tsumi is still waiting for a magical scanner to come to her. But her art is changing. Hehehehehe.