Hello and Welcome to my world of Photos!

This is just a random place where I take random real life images and share them with you! Please enjoy them...while they still exist, ha ha ha.

External Image
Please do not make me cry! No abussive comments!

External Image : My Myspace!

Me and My Friend

Just thought I´d share a picture with you guys, ha ha ha, me and my friend BW. We´s just chillin on the mattress. ha ha ha.

Ha ha ha, this is funny


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Agh! I died...and went to a place unknown

Teapot! I cant get over how adorabe and awesome...

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My Bangs!

My bangs are getting too long.
Anyways this is just a random picture I took of myself...before my camera died on me. Ha ha ha. I was supposed to put this up last week but that never happened. Enjoy! My random beautiful self.

Sony Store

it's the sony store! ha ha...no worries that isnt my car. We dont have a car. ...who knows whose car that is, ignore it! AGH!