Plagerists , tsk tsk

We know em. We hate em. You know you've seen the picture way before. We know their stealing, but you can't find the original artist!

Thankyou Thankyou Thankyou!
You put in a image you think is stolen, search, and using a database of most websites ( included! Help fellow deviants!) it finds other places where that image is. But what if Its edited? with new colors or added fake copyrights? Have no fear, Tineye uses similar pixel placement, so even its its larger,smaller,rainbow, or have big splashy plagerist watermarks all over it, it still can find it. Every thing has a downside. Since tineye is still a young site, it doesn't search the whole internet, only a large portion. So hidden gems may remain hidden.

BUT, I'm hoping we can use this to crack down on plagerism more on this site. Since I've been seeing alot of it. And tracing, you can find that too.
