

So after we started heading in the the teach we saw a girl go into the school only thing is the door opened all by itself. She turned to look at us and she looked terrified. I caught a few thoughts from her and knew she was like us. Man this school is full of them. Then as we were wandering the halls for that teacher we got caught by the principal. In trouble already....well the Clines were going to be full of wonderful thoughts when I get home. The only good thing was that Talor and I had the same class together and bonus the teacher we were looking for turned out to be ours. Now we just had to wait to talk to him after class. It was going well til Talor's hand caught on fire! He asked if he could go to the nurse. Mr. Bloodgood was afraid he was going to skip his class. 'It's nothing personal.' I knew he saw the flash from Talor's hand and knew something was up. "Just let him go." I looked over at the red haired kid who had sat down. For some reason I got an image of red paws and a giant pillow and a tail. It was getting harder to sift through who was thinking what. Everyone's thoughts were jumbling up. They all wanted to know what was wrong with Talor. It was giving me a headache. 'But what if he does skip?' "I know that students like to wander off." I was missing pieces of conversation as the thoughts kept hitting me. Now for some reason I was getting images of wings. "He wouldn't do that." Mr. Bloodgood looked at me. He allowed Talor to go. Talor was out the door in a flash. Lucky. My head was pounding, but if I asked to go right after Talor Mr. Bloodgood would really think something was up. I rubbed my temples. 'Saw me ealier!' That thought was loud and felt like I just got punched in the face. I ground my teeth and looked around. I saw a boy with blue hair. He looked about as happy as I felt right now. Then I found the source of the loud annoying thoughts. It was the girl from earlier. She had long brown hair in a ponytail, but her bangs were in he face. Her mouth opened in shock when she saw me looking at her. 'OH MY GOD HE KNOWS!!!!' I flinched. SHUT UP! I wanted to cry my head hurt so bad. "Hey are you ok dude?" I realized that was actually spoken to me. I turned to see the red head kid from earlier looking at me. "Headache." He nodded. "Guess it would look odd if you asked to go to the nurse right after your buddy." I nodded. "My thoughts exactly." Maybe this guy read minds too? Naw he would be having a melt down too. "Ahem. If you gents there have something to say, why not share it with the whole class then?" I felt my face turn red. "Sorry Mr. Bloodgood." He smiled and continued to write on the board. I couldn't wait for the bell to ring.

Sorry about Finni ^^' I'm not good with accents and stuff so if he ever sounds silly I apologize beforehand! Same goes for Vlad. Also I hope you guys don't mind but I threw Elizabeth and Max in our class too. :)

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