I have to know some info!

Here is some info i must know before you join, but you must also keep other stuff in mind that I don't ask for here.

Name: (a fake name for your character, like Zaphea)

Mew Name: (a mew name for your character, like Mew Zaphea)

Gender: (perferably your a girl, but I don't mind if it's a guy!)

DNA animal: (perferably a endangered species)

That's all! It's really easy, so comment below or pm me the info! And if you want to lead, you better get the info in fast, since there is less spots for leading currently then the other spots.

Also, please don't make your character the same as the first Mew Mews. That wouldn't be any fun. You must know how you became a Mew, what you look like, your personality, family life, stuff like that, so you don't get stumped later on.
